Full Version: Newest useless feature
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Look up in the top right corner of every post....

Click it... you know you want to....
i already did that. and it confused me greatly.
this is what I see.....

Quote:/ikonboard.?act=Post;CODE=06;f=;t=;p=136678'> [Image: minus.gif]

Not for nothing, but I'd rather have an edit button.
Turn your images back on.
see, now my fucking image is messed up!!! Damn edit

Let's try again

Quote:/ikonboard.?act=Post;CODE=06;f=;t=;p=136679'> [Image: minus.gif]
but I don't wanna turn my images on. You people post dirty pictures.
teal? i can collapse all of Jack's posts. Perfect. :thumbs-up:
you can...but one at a time. no getting rid of every jack post...stupid half assed ignore feature
Seriously, is this a joke that is only being played on me?

There is no picture, only a link that looks like what I posted above. I click on it, and it says that it's a forbidden link.
Turn your images back on.
that is pretty useless...but cool none the less
Yea...this thread really doesn't need to be stuck to the top...
jack is the new ken
ken was funny
ken lite?
thats a cool feature, not sure why its there, but its still cool
Can collapsed posts be edited?
Ah hah!
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