Full Version: Was boo boo boo yogi's gay lover - What really went on in jellystone?
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I heardsomething today that troubled me. Were many of our TV heros gay?

I mean Yogi and Boo Boo were always together. They spent months secluded in a cave. We saw Boo Boo in more than one episode in an apron in the kitchen.

What about Snaggletooth? Always hanging around Broadway theaters, exiting stage right.

Was Scooby;s Thelma a dyke? Was Olive Oil a transvestite? I mean no curves and an adams apple and she wasn't giving Popeye or Brutus any.

How about Johny Quest and Haji? Porky Pig or Elmer Fudd? How about the square chinned Dudley Dooright? I mean a name like Dudley? Bert and Ernie shared a bedroom for gods sake.

I'm troubled here.
you should work the Catskills.
Quote:Bert and Ernie shared a bedroom for gods sake
Hate to rooin it for you OAS.. but Bert and Ernie came out of the closet a while ago.. and Bert's dead.
On the news last night was a story about how Sponge Bob is very popular in the gay community.
Quote:What about Snaggletooth?

What about PsychoBitch?
Was Barney Fife gay? I know he had it for Thelma Lou but she wasn't giving him any. Is that why Barney made all of those trips to the filling station? What was Goober doing to Barney in that back room?

What's up with Superman? He wears silk panties over his tights. Lois Lane wanted to do him all the time and he just ignored her.
Snuffleupagus was a junkie, yes snuffy was a major heroin fiend.
Quote:What about Snaggletooth? Always hanging around Broadway theaters, exiting stage right.

:rofl: :rofl:
Quote:I mean Yogi and Boo Boo were always together.
That would have been pedophilia...possibly incest? :disappointed:
Quote:I heardsomething today that troubled me. Were many of our TV heros gay?

You all fail to realize, our heroes and OAS's heroes differ. Not many of us looked up to Ralph Furley as being a bitch magnet.