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I fail to see where anyone asked you to leave the site. You wanna be there, fine. I personally will not help someone pad their fuckin pockets while he fucks me in the ass and doesn't care at all about the people who make his site what it is. You don't wanna post here for whatever reason fine, but don't put down a place where the people who run it actually care about the opinions of their members and bend over backwards to make sure it is always fun here for the people.
For the members by the members.
Quote:However, gettin worked up about it and taking a stand against every move he makes is fucking pointless cuz' nobody is gonna change his mind. Leaving a message board to make a point ain't gonna change shit. All the poeple I enjoyed fucking around with ditched that place to come here... for what? Did that make the site any better? No. Now it's a fucking joke. There's about five people there now whose words are worth reading. Everybody found it easier to leave and blame it on dipshit rather than ignore his bullshit and keep having fun. It makes no sense.
and here we enter the brutal cycle. a message board is only as fun as the people who post on it, and the people who made that board what it was back in the day left due to conflict with froy. yes, a lot of people left because they didnt like how it was run, but quite a few didn't really have a choice. kid was banned for just alluding to this site in an e-mail. could he have put froy behing him? no, because he wasnt allowed to post. or then theres gonzo and vg. both of them were fired by froy, and usually, when somebody fires you, it isnt exactly the most inviting place to return to. and from the forced departure of people, THATS where you get the rest of us jumping ship. myself and many others left because people like them left, not because of personal problems with froy. the people being forced off made the board reduced to the good posts from about 5 entertaining people, and the drivle from 253453 other people. i didnt chose to leave, i left because i had no reason to stay
Not what I meant...
I know what you're saying.
I also know feel that the members could've helped turn that place around. I'm not taking any shots at this place or you guys. You fucking know me better than that. The people I enjoy the most are the one's who are here. My point was those same people are intelligent enough and have what it takes to run a dick like Froy out of town. Alas, too late for that. I really dislike these discussions. It ain't my "gimmick".
Dude we tried turning that place around for the better way before even you joined. We did everything possible and then some. Everything we tried to do froy either didn't let happen or somehow hushed it up or didn't listen. Then came when I was deleted then demoded. That is when the "big changes" were supposed to come. I helped him diffuse the hatred on the board, then when everything calmed down, he turns around and demods me and drops all the "big changes". The big changes were not a couple of astehtic changes like a new color scheme and some buttons. He promised to make some big changes as far as the direction of the board and did jack shit.
We tried but honestly why do we have to try? Shouldn't he give people a reason to stay? Like maybe atleast listen to the people who come to his site and fatten his wallet?
someone just post pictures of his cock on that site already
Yes he should.
Shut up and pass the cond... gum.
I've thought about Froy too much for one life cycle.
Oh, yeah... fbd, I hear ya'... honestly, if it weren't for the fact that I still see most of the people who made that place fun, I wouldn't have stuck around this long. We all have our points. My sixth beer just put me in a better mood. :-D
Dude like I said, I ain't askin no one to choose sides, never would. Nor am I asking for you to stop posting there and post here. You enjoy posting there more than here then more power to you. Don't read into things so hard, you hard on.
Actually, I find this place much more amusing.
Unfortunately, most of the shit goes on during the day, then I have to sift through pages and pages of new threads which is quite the pain in the ass. You need more insomniacs.
Quote:and here we enter the brutal cycle. a message board is only as fun as the people who post on it, and the people who made that board what it was back in the day left due to conflict with froy. yes, a lot of people left because they didnt like how it was run, but quite a few didn't really have a choice. kid was banned for just alluding to this site in an e-mail. could he have put froy behing him? no, because he wasnt allowed to post. or then theres gonzo and vg. both of them were fired by froy, and usually, when somebody fires you, it isnt exactly the most inviting place to return to. and from the forced departure of people, THATS where you get the rest of us jumping ship. myself and many others left because people like them left, not because of personal problems with froy. the people being forced off made the board reduced to the good posts from about 5 entertaining people, and the drivle from 253453 other people. i didnt chose to leave, i left because i had no reason to stay
fbd mustve had a hard-on the whole time he was typing this.
Quote:He promised to make some big changes as far as the direction of the board and did jack shit.
so since they're never gonna to tell us what we missed out on?
I was told it was a " p r o g r e s s i o n "
Is that a Froy Buzz word? Its awfully dynamic. Im hella-impressed.

hehe sleeper achieved arousal typing that.
Quote:You need more insomniacs.
dude, i'm doing my best here but i can't do it all myself...
Jesus and I thought this thread was about me. What a disappointment.
Quote:Quote:He promised to make some big changes as far as the direction of the board and did jack shit.
so since they're never gonna to tell us what we missed out on?
Here's what you missed:
Try to bring yourself back into the mindset of the time, first of all. Everyone was pissed, really pissed, at Anthony for doing what he did. Anyway, long story short, basically the idea was to change the URL, name of the site, all content. Move away from OA content and just become a message board about... well, nothing in particular, I guess. I figured that - love him or hate him - Froy would gain a ton of respect from the members for finally removing his lips from Anthony's penis and making such a bold move. And he probably would have.
What happened to the idea? Froy talked to Anthony at Bar 9. Anthony basically said he did what he did cause he was pissed about his divorce (which finished the day he did his shit), and if the board was to somehow become good again, we'd get plugged again, and he'd plug OTL too. Of course, that's all Froy needed. Lips back on the penis, tight as ever.
I so fucking wish I was joking about the OTL plugs, too. I wish that was just a dig at Froy. But it isn't.
And now he gets to keep Anthony in his pocket, despite an extended silence on his radio career, to defend Froy from his own members.
No offense to anyone, but I just don't care anymore. Do what you want. Froy does what he wants. Everyone, in the end, does what they want. People will rationalize their decisions, make excuses, what-not. And that's fine. Nobody is better or worse, to me. They are just seeing things from the angles they choose.
I don't think anyone who chooses to post here is any better than anyone over on other sites. I don't think people who choose to post on all are better or worse. After seeing and hearing all the subcurrents here over the last year, I got to tell you honestly, that I don't see much of a difference between CDIH and room 808 at HoJo. It's not an insult...just the truth of human beings and what they drag to place to place. There is no difference to the people here or on OA...including boy-Froy. I hold nothing against him, just as much as I hold nothing against any people here, even though at one time or another we may have not gotten along, or seen things eye-to-eye.
Here: I'm here for the people who I enjoy posting with and reading their posts. I enjoy reading and posting here, and that is the bottomline.
There: I barely do post, but even though I don't, I have nothing against the people there. I may not agree with things some do, but I don't take my disagreements to a personal, for me, it's not much of an issue. (this is not a criticism to those that do, just how I go about it)
The T-Shirt ad sucks, and that's why I won't buy them, and why I only go under the "work" mode of the site there. Joke in bad taste...sure. But, quite frankly, I've done many things in bad taste, and who am I suddenly to draw lines on someone else. That's how I feel on subject.
We're all better off just focusing on what we do and what we prefer than looking to others or places for proof-against or validation. In other words, let judgement only pertain to yourself, b/c in the end, that's the only thing you can control.
That board died months ago, as far as most people think it doesnt even exist anymore. is a non-issue. It might as well be a geocities personal site to post pictures of ugly goth chicks, oops sorry thats
Anyway, whatever they do their, whatever ads they run, they're done, they're over, they're yesterdays news.
Rome burned down months ago and Froy is standing around amongst the rubble selling T-Shirts.
Like a retarded yo-yo you fall to the floor and roll away?
i don't have a yo-yo

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