10-11-2002, 06:09 AM
10-11-2002, 06:10 AM
That's the funny thing.... I don't know how the glitch was even there in the first place, but I sure as Hell didn't fix it. Do you think I want to help that board now?
10-11-2002, 06:12 AM
it's gone again
10-11-2002, 06:12 AM
the phantom mod strikes again!
10-11-2002, 06:19 AM
Did Ant just call everyone a bunch of backstabbers, or was I imagining it?
10-11-2002, 06:21 AM
he did, crybaby
10-11-2002, 06:21 AM
10-11-2002, 06:24 AM
i didn't get to save it when faceman yelled at me though, :lol:
10-11-2002, 06:52 AM
whats up fellas?
10-11-2002, 07:03 AM
uuuh, is that 2 yr thread back up or am I seeing things?
10-11-2002, 07:31 AM
Well that about does it. OA.com appears to have officially died today.
10-11-2002, 07:32 AM
Aww, no one even got to see my resigning thread. 

10-11-2002, 07:34 AM
i did, you quit & you broke it :clueless:
10-11-2002, 07:37 AM
hey it wasn't all DIG!! :angry:
10-11-2002, 07:43 AM
Quote:Credit grabberthose are some quality threads right there
10-11-2002, 07:52 AM
"I like food" was a gem.
10-11-2002, 07:53 AM
You guys are hard-mother-fucking-core. Did someone have a temper tantrum over there? I'm glad I got to witness some of it, anyway.
10-11-2002, 07:56 AM
Quote:Error near line 66, column 156
10-11-2002, 08:00 AM
Beats me, what do I look like, an admin over there or something?
Here's the Roger IM:
Acks Grl (3:07:09 AM): good job.
Acks Grl (3:12:33 AM): what, got nothing to say? Too stupid to know this is Roger?
Acks Grl (3:12:49 AM): or too much of an ass. You and Slash and all your little butt buddies.
FollowThisLogic (3:14:07 AM): it's not my fault that your personal affairs were made public on a radio show. The board is about said radio show, so people on the board heard it. Pretending like it didn't happen and deleting threads related to it, doesn't change your sordid past.
FollowThisLogic (3:14:45 AM): but, neither of you deserve access to delete that stuff, and as my last act as an administrator on that board, I revoked said access.
Acks Grl (3:15:30 AM): no? The Opie and ANTHONY message board shouldn't have ANTHONY as a mod huh? Funny logic.
FollowThisLogic (3:16:58 AM): ahem, unofficial board for a show that does not currently exist. Unofficial means we don't really have to have show ties. So no, he doesn't need to be a mod, especially if he hasn't mentioned the board on the show - when there was one - in over a year.
Acks Grl (3:18:52 AM): not fucking true!! he did mention it until GS started with his bs and all you sheep followed suit. And unofficial isn't unofficial if Anthony is a fucking MEMBER. Unofficial is a technical title. Go gossip to your fag friends somewhere that was never show endorsed and you'll get no trouble from us. That's all we ever said to you children.
FollowThisLogic (3:20:39 AM): you know, I never really badmouthed the show. Matter of fact, I listened as much as I could. And in all that listening, I can only recall maybe one time we were mentioned in the past year, and that mention was Anthony going off on a tirade about what assholes we are. So, umm, your argument is kinda silly.
Acks Grl (3:23:14 AM): don't you realize that its a courtesy that O&A let the name OPIEANTHONY.com exist? Do you realize that this shit has been going on for 2+ yrs? That's when we signed on and it no longer became unofficial. So why would he bring traffic to a site that bashes him? Don't you see that it has nothing to do with bashing the show or not? Its the personal shit that was never mentioned on air that people bring up. Did Anthony ever mention my name? NO! So why talk about me? Talk about Roger all you want, don't talk about someone youdon't fucking know.
Acks Grl (3:23:47 AM): We like Froy and his site, its you cunts that fucked it up
Acks Grl (3:23:59 AM): we gave Froy money to keep the site going.
Acks Grl (3:24:27 AM): we did everything possible to make the board a nice place for everyone, but we get shit on by people who smile at us at gigs
FollowThisLogic (3:29:07 AM): heh, go ahead, blame me if it makes you feel better. I've fought for that site more times than I can count. Talked Froy out of moving opieanthony.com's board onto overthelimit's board twice.... but yeah, I'm the bad guy. The fact that you signed onto - and rarely participate on, except for you, recently - the board does not generate traffic. The board saw its best days when it was mentioned fairly regularly on the show. When that ended, the board died, and has been dead for many months now. I have nothing personal against you, Anthony, or anyone really..... just Froy's business sense, of which he has little to none. That is why you get smiles at gigs.... I have nothing against you. But if you're going to pull shit on a board I enjoy, just because you feel that you're justified in pulling a power trip on its owner, well I'm sorry but you're just fucking out of line, and you'll never admit it to yourself. You're not the celebrity you'd like to be - only to Froy. The appeal of the O&A show was that they were just regular guys, hanging out. Howard is a celebrity, and that is why he fucking sucks.
Acks Grl (3:31:46 AM): you don't seem to understand that the board disintegrated itself. It was mentioned frequently because nobody had started posting my name (which I NEVER use) yet. Once they started spreading rumors and making shit up, Anthony stopped mentioning the board. Is he supposed to send people to a board spreading rumors about his girlfriend? Just answer me that.
FollowThisLogic (3:33:08 AM): If they are rumors, and not truth, how about denying the accusations and washing your hands of it? Wouldn't that be a more adult thing to do than taking your ball and running home - if the rumors are false?
Acks Grl (3:34:10 AM): would you believe me when I tell you they are false? Would anyone? No, better to just delete than argue. Arguing gets you nowhere. But you didn't answer me. Is he supposed to send people to a board bad mouthing his girlfriend?
FollowThisLogic (3:36:17 AM): In a sense, I did answer. If the accusations were genuinely false, and you actually took a moment to refute them intelligently without deleting threads, the badmouthing would cease, and he wouldn't have to send people to a site that badmouths you, cause they wouldn't. The people who badmouth you, do it to be dicks. Especially in the past two days. If their accusations held no water, why would it piss you off so much?
Acks Grl (3:38:44 AM): Because like you, they say they have no problem with me. You all say the problem is with Froy, but I'm the one who gets shit on. And "intelligently refuteing" doesn't get anything done. People would rather think dirt is fact, they'd never listen to me. And no, you still didn't answer my question. You won't admit that Anthony had a right not to plug the board because of the badmouthing.
FollowThisLogic (3:40:08 AM): Well, I agree that he should definitely not want to plug it if that is going on. BUT - he had the power to delete such comments, and exercised it regularly. So, why not plug the board if the comments disappear?
Acks Grl (3:41:58 AM): Because they don't dissappear. They're gone for a while and then back less than a week, sometimes a month later. But the newbies are still there that he sent. See why we're so pissed? It never stopped. Then GS used it and said it was all a big fucking joke! Do you realize how much you guys were hurting ME? Not Anthony, not Froy, not anyone else, just ME. I hope that makes you smile at night.
Acks Grl (3:43:33 AM): and do you really believe that Anthony had no right to delete whatever he wanted on a site with his name, that he was a member of, but that you had a right to perpetuate badmouthing?
FollowThisLogic (3:44:38 AM): Hey, for the record, I never said anything like that, and never even thought to. Your personal life is your shit. But, if it's going to be an offense to be edited, that should have been made official. Froy should have made it a standing rule, put it in the FAQ, and instructed the mods to delete any comment like that. Since he didn't, does that count as his mismanagement? Or is the blame on you for not commanding him to do so?
Acks Grl (3:48:26 AM): You think it should've been in FAQ not to badmouth me or Anthony? That's absurd. Not badmouthing me should go without saying unless you know me or I piss you off personally, I guess. It shouldn't have to be said that my name is not public knowledge and therefore not for a message board if given to someone in confidence. I'm not saying you did any of this stuff or whatever. But you took it upon yourself to remove the moderating authority of someone who was given said authority by the owner of the site, same person who gave you yours. What gave you that right? I blame you as "final straw". Not as "you started this".
Acks Grl (3:50:15 AM): btw, it was instructed to the mods early on that any comments about me personally were to be deleted. Mods never did it.
Acks Grl (3:51:41 AM): oh, and the more we told GS to knock it off, the more he did it. Like you Slash, CLS, Sleeper and whoever else did tonite.
FollowThisLogic (3:53:21 AM): If it wasn't public knowledge, how did everyone know it? I tend to remember it coming up on the show around the time of the ol "bang party", and I'm not the only one. Whether it was public info or board inside joke, it was not an offense, in the eyes of the members. A message board relies on its members, not the people behind the scenes. It's all about the members' perception, which is why I said, put it in the FAQ. That way, there's no misconception about what is and is not acceptable. My actions tonight were simply MY "last straw" with the bullshit surrounding the deletion of these threads, and I resigned my admin position shortly thereafter. I'm done with it all. And, as I have to get to bed for work tomorrow, I'm pretty done here too.
Acks Grl (3:54:06 AM): my name tied to Anthony's was not public knowledge
Acks Grl (3:54:28 AM): only people I met face to face knew my name. And immediately it showed up on the board.
FollowThisLogic (3:54:45 AM): As little credit as you may give them, some people CAN put two and two together.
Acks Grl (3:55:00 AM): and no, my name and ties to anthony weren't on the air EVER.
Acks Grl (3:55:13 AM): 2 and 2 or not, it shouldn't have to be said.
FollowThisLogic (3:55:51 AM): Listen, I don't disagree that such comments do and should piss you off, just saying that the situation was handled completely wrong.
Acks Grl (3:55:58 AM): Ask if that was me and I'd tell them the truth, most of it was faked. but noone asked. Just spread rumors. Then Spaz came on the board and spread more.
Acks Grl (3:56:38 AM): so can you tell me why the topic of me was used by everyone who wanted to get at Froy? Or Anthony? do you have any answer at all cuz that's something I really would like to know.
FollowThisLogic (3:57:27 AM): as I never used it myself, no, I don't have that answer. Gonzo's AIM name is "OApoll" if you're really that curious.
Acks Grl (3:58:28 AM): I dont think I have to tell you never to IM me. Good job tonite. Very good execution.
FollowThisLogic (3:58:38 AM): Didn't plan on it. Later.
Here's the Roger IM:
Acks Grl (3:07:09 AM): good job.
Acks Grl (3:12:33 AM): what, got nothing to say? Too stupid to know this is Roger?
Acks Grl (3:12:49 AM): or too much of an ass. You and Slash and all your little butt buddies.
FollowThisLogic (3:14:07 AM): it's not my fault that your personal affairs were made public on a radio show. The board is about said radio show, so people on the board heard it. Pretending like it didn't happen and deleting threads related to it, doesn't change your sordid past.
FollowThisLogic (3:14:45 AM): but, neither of you deserve access to delete that stuff, and as my last act as an administrator on that board, I revoked said access.
Acks Grl (3:15:30 AM): no? The Opie and ANTHONY message board shouldn't have ANTHONY as a mod huh? Funny logic.
FollowThisLogic (3:16:58 AM): ahem, unofficial board for a show that does not currently exist. Unofficial means we don't really have to have show ties. So no, he doesn't need to be a mod, especially if he hasn't mentioned the board on the show - when there was one - in over a year.
Acks Grl (3:18:52 AM): not fucking true!! he did mention it until GS started with his bs and all you sheep followed suit. And unofficial isn't unofficial if Anthony is a fucking MEMBER. Unofficial is a technical title. Go gossip to your fag friends somewhere that was never show endorsed and you'll get no trouble from us. That's all we ever said to you children.
FollowThisLogic (3:20:39 AM): you know, I never really badmouthed the show. Matter of fact, I listened as much as I could. And in all that listening, I can only recall maybe one time we were mentioned in the past year, and that mention was Anthony going off on a tirade about what assholes we are. So, umm, your argument is kinda silly.
Acks Grl (3:23:14 AM): don't you realize that its a courtesy that O&A let the name OPIEANTHONY.com exist? Do you realize that this shit has been going on for 2+ yrs? That's when we signed on and it no longer became unofficial. So why would he bring traffic to a site that bashes him? Don't you see that it has nothing to do with bashing the show or not? Its the personal shit that was never mentioned on air that people bring up. Did Anthony ever mention my name? NO! So why talk about me? Talk about Roger all you want, don't talk about someone youdon't fucking know.
Acks Grl (3:23:47 AM): We like Froy and his site, its you cunts that fucked it up
Acks Grl (3:23:59 AM): we gave Froy money to keep the site going.
Acks Grl (3:24:27 AM): we did everything possible to make the board a nice place for everyone, but we get shit on by people who smile at us at gigs
FollowThisLogic (3:29:07 AM): heh, go ahead, blame me if it makes you feel better. I've fought for that site more times than I can count. Talked Froy out of moving opieanthony.com's board onto overthelimit's board twice.... but yeah, I'm the bad guy. The fact that you signed onto - and rarely participate on, except for you, recently - the board does not generate traffic. The board saw its best days when it was mentioned fairly regularly on the show. When that ended, the board died, and has been dead for many months now. I have nothing personal against you, Anthony, or anyone really..... just Froy's business sense, of which he has little to none. That is why you get smiles at gigs.... I have nothing against you. But if you're going to pull shit on a board I enjoy, just because you feel that you're justified in pulling a power trip on its owner, well I'm sorry but you're just fucking out of line, and you'll never admit it to yourself. You're not the celebrity you'd like to be - only to Froy. The appeal of the O&A show was that they were just regular guys, hanging out. Howard is a celebrity, and that is why he fucking sucks.
Acks Grl (3:31:46 AM): you don't seem to understand that the board disintegrated itself. It was mentioned frequently because nobody had started posting my name (which I NEVER use) yet. Once they started spreading rumors and making shit up, Anthony stopped mentioning the board. Is he supposed to send people to a board spreading rumors about his girlfriend? Just answer me that.
FollowThisLogic (3:33:08 AM): If they are rumors, and not truth, how about denying the accusations and washing your hands of it? Wouldn't that be a more adult thing to do than taking your ball and running home - if the rumors are false?
Acks Grl (3:34:10 AM): would you believe me when I tell you they are false? Would anyone? No, better to just delete than argue. Arguing gets you nowhere. But you didn't answer me. Is he supposed to send people to a board bad mouthing his girlfriend?
FollowThisLogic (3:36:17 AM): In a sense, I did answer. If the accusations were genuinely false, and you actually took a moment to refute them intelligently without deleting threads, the badmouthing would cease, and he wouldn't have to send people to a site that badmouths you, cause they wouldn't. The people who badmouth you, do it to be dicks. Especially in the past two days. If their accusations held no water, why would it piss you off so much?
Acks Grl (3:38:44 AM): Because like you, they say they have no problem with me. You all say the problem is with Froy, but I'm the one who gets shit on. And "intelligently refuteing" doesn't get anything done. People would rather think dirt is fact, they'd never listen to me. And no, you still didn't answer my question. You won't admit that Anthony had a right not to plug the board because of the badmouthing.
FollowThisLogic (3:40:08 AM): Well, I agree that he should definitely not want to plug it if that is going on. BUT - he had the power to delete such comments, and exercised it regularly. So, why not plug the board if the comments disappear?
Acks Grl (3:41:58 AM): Because they don't dissappear. They're gone for a while and then back less than a week, sometimes a month later. But the newbies are still there that he sent. See why we're so pissed? It never stopped. Then GS used it and said it was all a big fucking joke! Do you realize how much you guys were hurting ME? Not Anthony, not Froy, not anyone else, just ME. I hope that makes you smile at night.
Acks Grl (3:43:33 AM): and do you really believe that Anthony had no right to delete whatever he wanted on a site with his name, that he was a member of, but that you had a right to perpetuate badmouthing?
FollowThisLogic (3:44:38 AM): Hey, for the record, I never said anything like that, and never even thought to. Your personal life is your shit. But, if it's going to be an offense to be edited, that should have been made official. Froy should have made it a standing rule, put it in the FAQ, and instructed the mods to delete any comment like that. Since he didn't, does that count as his mismanagement? Or is the blame on you for not commanding him to do so?
Acks Grl (3:48:26 AM): You think it should've been in FAQ not to badmouth me or Anthony? That's absurd. Not badmouthing me should go without saying unless you know me or I piss you off personally, I guess. It shouldn't have to be said that my name is not public knowledge and therefore not for a message board if given to someone in confidence. I'm not saying you did any of this stuff or whatever. But you took it upon yourself to remove the moderating authority of someone who was given said authority by the owner of the site, same person who gave you yours. What gave you that right? I blame you as "final straw". Not as "you started this".
Acks Grl (3:50:15 AM): btw, it was instructed to the mods early on that any comments about me personally were to be deleted. Mods never did it.
Acks Grl (3:51:41 AM): oh, and the more we told GS to knock it off, the more he did it. Like you Slash, CLS, Sleeper and whoever else did tonite.
FollowThisLogic (3:53:21 AM): If it wasn't public knowledge, how did everyone know it? I tend to remember it coming up on the show around the time of the ol "bang party", and I'm not the only one. Whether it was public info or board inside joke, it was not an offense, in the eyes of the members. A message board relies on its members, not the people behind the scenes. It's all about the members' perception, which is why I said, put it in the FAQ. That way, there's no misconception about what is and is not acceptable. My actions tonight were simply MY "last straw" with the bullshit surrounding the deletion of these threads, and I resigned my admin position shortly thereafter. I'm done with it all. And, as I have to get to bed for work tomorrow, I'm pretty done here too.
Acks Grl (3:54:06 AM): my name tied to Anthony's was not public knowledge
Acks Grl (3:54:28 AM): only people I met face to face knew my name. And immediately it showed up on the board.
FollowThisLogic (3:54:45 AM): As little credit as you may give them, some people CAN put two and two together.
Acks Grl (3:55:00 AM): and no, my name and ties to anthony weren't on the air EVER.
Acks Grl (3:55:13 AM): 2 and 2 or not, it shouldn't have to be said.
FollowThisLogic (3:55:51 AM): Listen, I don't disagree that such comments do and should piss you off, just saying that the situation was handled completely wrong.
Acks Grl (3:55:58 AM): Ask if that was me and I'd tell them the truth, most of it was faked. but noone asked. Just spread rumors. Then Spaz came on the board and spread more.
Acks Grl (3:56:38 AM): so can you tell me why the topic of me was used by everyone who wanted to get at Froy? Or Anthony? do you have any answer at all cuz that's something I really would like to know.
FollowThisLogic (3:57:27 AM): as I never used it myself, no, I don't have that answer. Gonzo's AIM name is "OApoll" if you're really that curious.
Acks Grl (3:58:28 AM): I dont think I have to tell you never to IM me. Good job tonite. Very good execution.
FollowThisLogic (3:58:38 AM): Didn't plan on it. Later.
10-11-2002, 08:09 AM
that was entertaining.
that was entertaining.