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sleeper was a bad boy tonight.
nice how it's all we/us, she's got quite the grip on those coat tails
Oh My God. I can't believe you were chatting with roger for almost an hour and didn't ask her when the show was going back on the air.
Quote:You're not the celebrity you'd like to be - only to Froy.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Quote:FollowThisLogic (3:57:27 AM): as I never used it myself, no, I don't have that answer. Gonzo's AIM name is "OApoll" if you're really that curious.

neak: thanks, lol.
Well I didn't see this till after I posted my thread. Now I feel like I should post the first part. Cause this cunt whore is not seeing anyones side but her own. I mentioned spaz, twice, TWO times and she fuckin acts like I did it all the time.
WOW! Looks like I picked the wrong night to sex up my lady, I missed the fun.
There are so many things wrong with that chat, on many different levels. I'm not involved in any of this and dont know [or met] any of the said parties involved. That said, from the outside looking in, there is way too much ego at work here. I started lourking on oacom around the holidays, 2001 and I have seen 3-4 posts by IAMANTHONY. He seems to only comment when he is pissed at someone on the board. "Fuckyou Asscunt"? Isnt that kinda like....."Hey thanks for your support listeners, you all suck monkey ass fuckoff". And now his girlfriend is deleting, flaming and bashing[?]
This is one, I definitely do NOT get.

Roger mentioned me.
Who wants to touch me?
Oh, I wanna steal a lil credit too. Pretty please?
After all, had I not brought those threads back, removed Anthony's delete ability, and made it so no one - not even Froy - could delete those threads, Anthony probably wouldn't have called Froy, screaming obscenities, and Froy wouldn't have thought he had no other choice but to delete every forum due to Anthony's threats of legal action. :-D
And no, I'm not exaggerating any of that.
Roger mentioned my name, not yours...I must have been more important. :lol:
So who wants to fucking touch me!
i <3 you guys.
see what happends when you cross vg...ha ha ha ha!
the fucker finally got his. if he gives a shit VG.
now he can work on getting his shitty OTL website over without distraction or worrying about anyone he stabbed in the back on the board.
FTL, has everything really been deleted? like forever deleted?
who even reads OTL? who!??! name me one person,besides the people who write for the site??!?!
good question. The world may never know.
Its obvious the idiot was only keeping around to have a place with built-in membership to whore OTL on. Now he doesn't have that. Sucks to be him.
i would think it just sucks to be him in general, crappy site or no crappy site
no one fucking reads that place.
what a sad day for such a sad little boy.
going to drowned his sorrow listening to bruce all day.
I wonder if Froy is the pitcher or a catcher?? :clueless:
:rofl: Born In The USA!!!!111 :rofl:
some mods logged into oacom. The three names at the top of the member
list, look like a cleaning crew, sweeping back and forth.
please god, dont let PLAF register here, please
Quote:please god, dont let PLAF register here, please
It'll cost ya. :-D
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