Full Version: The cells are getting cold
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We should throw someone in and poke them with sticks, any nominees or volunteers?
I always wondered what it was like in there.
i say we throw in whoever gets the least votes to be mod...
fdb are you sure, lol?
You should give Tricia the honors then.
i meant cumulative...all the votes, from the other polls, too. add it all up
You wanna throw sleeper in the cell?
Hell I've been there before. I'll take one for the team if need be! :thumbs-up:

But only if you assrape me first gonzy.
better sleeper than me...
gggggggluuuuuuuuueeeeeeeeeeeeee glueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee gggggggllllllllueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Maymay but you will enjoy it, dizzam.

Danked might be fun to watch, pretty white bread like him.
:lookatme: :lookatme: :lookatme:
HyBriD's being disruptive.
If VG goes, I go with her.
Hmm vg and alkey, maybe we will get 3 posts between them in the cell. Maybe we can put them in cell 2.

Hybrid you say, danked?
hi alkey. :loveya:
I think TShirt Hell and Froy are the greatest.

Fuck you all if you disagree
If you put the two of them in there together, I think alkey would cream in his pants before he got to post once.
HyBriD just IMed me. Said you don't have the balls to lock him away.
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