Full Version: Did you know. - Lunababe.....
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No Gonzo, you're not an Asshole. Well, you may be one of her assholes, but you're not an Asshole. You're more of a......ummm....Cumguzzler.
I live with the false image everyone has built for me, I am a mean Asshole GRRRRRRR ARGHHHHHH GRRRRRRRRR!!!!!
Why did you bother to start this thread?
Cause I missed you.
That I find hard to believe.
You're the one who is mean, meanie!!!!
Me? Mean? I don't think so.
I think I've gone out of my way to be kind to you both in person and on these message boards.
I have always been nice to you in return, come back wolfy we can have fun again.
Quote:No...I like most of yous except one or two assholes that will remain nameless.
I don't have a name? :clueless: :-p
Quote:I don't have a name? soooo want me to hate you, don't you?
k1d back off son, don't be a hater on the hated.
Hey man, I f00ked with luna at first, but then I backed off. I think we have a kind of love/hate relationship at this point. We don't necessarily like each other, but that's made me kind of fond of her; in some odd way.
Kid <3 Luna
:lookatme: Hi Luna. Miss you sweetie. Please come back and pfffttt on the assholes. Well that is unless I'm one of them.
howdy :thumbs-up:
Quote:Hey man, I f00ked with luna at first, but then I backed off. I think we have a kind of love/hate relationship at this point. We don't necessarily like each other, but that's made me kind of fond of her; in some odd way.
Awwwwww......Ssssssssstop! I'm welling up with tears here. Confusedniff sniff:

HI Sister Kindredbabe! :lookatme:
Hi OAS! :lookatme:
Hi Freddy! :lookatme:

Quote:come back wolfy we can have fun again.
At my expense, I'm sure.

Good Morning, ya'll.
hi luna! :lookatme:
Hi CLS! ;-)
I'm the Asshole.

VG is the meanie.
hiyah Luna

and listen to BM....he speaks the truth
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