Full Version: Did you know. - Lunababe.....
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I'm that bad huh? :-(
Does a wolf howl at the moon? :poke:
Uhh.....we can stop playing "Guess the Asshole" now, k? Nobody needs to know. I'd rather not resolve any issues this way.

Heya DGW. :lookatme:
Quote:Uhh.....we can stop playing "Guess the Asshole" now, k? Nobody needs to know.
Inquiring minds want to know. Nopbody here has ever thought of anybody as being one. Rolleyes
:lookatme: Hi, Luna. You know how I feel. :loveya:
Luna thinks i'm an Asshole for never sending her the CD.
[jumping on the bandwagon]Hi Wolf Girl :lookatme: [/jumping on the band wagon]
Quote:Luna thinks i'm an Asshole for never sending her the CD.
:crackhead: :crackhead: :crackhead: :crackhead:

Heya 2 tired 2 give N F :lookatme: Watch out...that wagon has a broken wheel.

Arthur! :lookatme: :loveya:
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