I liked DIG before any of you.
I'd prove it, but OA.com seems to be gone.
Tell me about it, 3292 posts of pure genius, lost forever.
:bow: :moonie:
Quote:Tell me about it, 3292 posts of pure genius, lost forever.
No, actually I had closer to 7,000.
But thanks for noticing my genius.
Hey, can we take out Wackbag next
i'm still on the fence with this one
OA is gone forever? Holy shit. DIG is the best.
I thought I was good when I got FMJ booted, DIG killed an entire board.
Quote:Ahhhhh like now what?
Joey you can always join otl.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Who let the hairy armed fuck in here? :lookatme: Hey joey
Quote:Joey you can always join otl.
Right after Gonzo :-D
Quote:Who let the hairy armed fuck in here?
Maybe I should go to psycho babble next.
DIG didn't kill anything.
He's the one person who knows how to get his point across without looking like he has a fucking agenda. He does what he needs to do tactfully, while still managing to emit an aroma of shit.
I liked DIG before BM, so... toss my fuckin' salad.
Quote:toss my fuckin' salad.
i see a pending lawsuit
What's he gonna do?
Ban me?
I pull your ear, you stinky poopy head.
It's like watching Superman walk into the diner and get his ass kicked.
Poor BM... :disappointed:
Maybe one day he'll find a glowing piece of lettuce and his magical salad bowl will be returned to him.
Alas, in a battle of meatflaps, I am unarmed.