10-11-2002, 08:09 PM
10-11-2002, 08:13 PM
It's a shame FTL's righteous PM from this morning got deleted. I think it should preserved here for historical reasons. FTL?
10-11-2002, 08:18 PM
Quote:It's a shame FTL's righteous PM from this morning got deleted. I think it should preserved here for historical reasons. FTL?Mkay.... you want it, you got it....
(Shame I didn't save it myself but my buddy SLASH is always thinking...)
Quote:Sorry folks, there's really nothing to see here. But I will tell you what happened, and hopefully some of you will get to read it before <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.opieanthony.com">http://www.opieanthony.com</a><!-- w --> redirects to <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.overthelimit.com...">http://www.overthelimit.com...</a><!-- w -->.
I'm sure some of you saw diceisgod's thread about the AWFUL T-Shirt Hell ads, and where that thread went. I even went so far as to ban myself as a statement - a statement which fell on deaf ears.
This, to me, was a major problem. I mean, if I were running a site, and an admin banned himself, I might want to have a lil chat with him about it. Not Froy. Not a word.
So, I was already planning to leave, resign my admin role, which I did last night - now that the forums have been deleted, so has the thread, but it did exist, and as you can see, I am no longer an Admin. How I'm sending this PM to all, official.... my lil secret.
Why did the forums get deleted?
Yes, Anthony from the show. Anthony as in Opie and Anthony. That Anthony.
"Huh?" you ask.
Anthony decided to pull his power trip again. As usual. Comments were made about Roger, and her little incident with Spaz. I still don't know whether it actually happened - all I know is that in an IM with me last night, she danced around the subject so as not to deny it. Make your own assumptions.
Anyway, comments were made. Unbeknownst to everyone but the moderators, when Anthony was de-modded, he was specifically given the power to still be able to delete threads. This was his demand of Froy, non-negotiable.
Anthony deleted four threads last night. I believe only one or two had comments about Roger - the rest were mostly about the ol' Froy subject. But Anthony deleted these threads.
As my last Admin act, I did a few things:
-Moved all four threads back to Off-Topic from our "Recycle Bin".
-Removed Anthony's ability to delete threads.
-Coded a loophole so that the four threads in question could not be deleted by anyone - not even Froy.
I then posted my resignation thread in Off-Topic, and I was done.
Anthony got pissed. Anthony called Froy, very pissed. Froy woke up, and got on the board. Froy found that he could not delete these threads, and asked me why. I told him that I coded it as such, and I can't fix it, as I have resigned. Froy then asked me to take down the board completely. I told him that I no longer have access to that (neither does Vin or Jeff, our hosting company took it away from us for whatever reason). Froy asked me to rename the main page, I told him that people browsing inside the forums would not be affected by this.
Froy then took it upon himself to delete every forum on this message board.
All because Anthony had a hissy fit.
Your hero, your show personality, is a fucking fraud. He can bash anyone he wants on his show, but god forbid someone cracks a joke about his girlfriend. And her.... I won't even get into that, let's just say she thinks she's some major celebrity because she's banging a minor one. I'd show you all her lovely IM conversation with me, but that would be silly.
So, rather than stand up to Anthony, rather than maybe changing the name of the message board to remove all traces of "Opie and Anthony".... Froy decided to cave in to Anthony's threats of lawsuits, and he deleted your board.
Thanks for reading. Those of you who know how to contact me, will. I'm sure.
No need to reply to this PM, I don't know that I'll read it.
10-11-2002, 08:19 PM
Quote:It's a shame FTL's righteous PM from this morning got deleted
I had a feeling it would; I printed it before it was gone.
10-11-2002, 08:26 PM
Quote:this whole mess just goes to prove one thing...
VG always wins.
10-11-2002, 08:26 PM
FTL :bow:
10-11-2002, 08:35 PM
who would have thought that FTL would be the one to help Jeff take down OA.com for good
10-11-2002, 08:37 PM
Quote:who would have thought that FTL would be the one to help Jeff take down OA.com for goodLOL, Jeff was one of the first to IM me this morning, simply with "bwahahahahahhahahahaha". - After he saw the PM, that is.
Edited By FollowThisLogic on 1034368660
10-11-2002, 08:47 PM
10-11-2002, 08:57 PM
I will not be going to bar 9, that is needless to say. No matter what people say about me being the mastermind behind this, I don't wanna create any discomfort, maybe roger is kinda right, I don't belong there.
10-11-2002, 09:00 PM
is anyone gonna show up now that brother joe has nowhere to plug?
10-11-2002, 09:00 PM
Quote:I don't belong there.bullshit.

10-11-2002, 09:02 PM
You belong in a cage.
But, that's another story...
But, that's another story...
10-11-2002, 09:04 PM
i'm playing the Bulkhead in Keyport, NJ tomorrow night if you're looking to party. :lookatme:
10-11-2002, 09:04 PM
Quote:is anyone gonna show up now that brother joe has nowhere to plug?I think R&F plug him now. Ron and Fez actually show up to the gigs, and the RF.net people leave when they do.... 11-11:30ish, last time I went.
10-12-2002, 12:03 AM
Quote:I will not be going to bar 9, that is needless to say. No matter what people say about me being the mastermind behind this, I don't wanna create any discomfort, maybe roger is kinda right, I don't belong there.Bullshit! I haven't scolded you in a long time Gonzo (shit come to think of it, I have never scolded you), but do not fucking comprimise. The opinions of a few, are not the conclussions of many.
Now listen to your grandpa and retract that statement.
10-12-2002, 12:15 AM
10-12-2002, 12:55 AM
.This shit is just unfucking believable to me. I wrote a bunch of stuff and then wiped it out. Sometimes I think I better keep my mouth shut. I can't believe he's changed that much
10-12-2002, 12:58 AM
That's the plan I'm following Painter.
Loose lips, sink ships.
Of course, I know how to swim.
But, that doesn't really matter in the metaphor that I've employed.
Sometimes, I talk too much, but it doesn't matter, because I'm purposefully being idiotic.
This would be one of those times.
Loose lips, sink ships.
Of course, I know how to swim.
But, that doesn't really matter in the metaphor that I've employed.
Sometimes, I talk too much, but it doesn't matter, because I'm purposefully being idiotic.
This would be one of those times.
10-12-2002, 03:49 AM
The reason I am not going, is beacuse if I come it will call an uneasy feeling wether you wanna admit it or not. It will turn what should be a fun time into a discussion, just drop the shit at the party and have fun. I am not doing this to prove any points, I feel that to come out to prove something is dumb. Cause it hinders the group and one part is not bigger than the whole group.
I wanna but I just can't.
I wanna but I just can't.