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this whole situation smacks of personal vendettas rather than some moral parade of justice. i think this is the most embarassing and disappointing thing I've seen since joining any board. Truly, the lowest of lows.
What? I thought we were having fun?
No, you crossed a line.
You obviously have no life.
What you did was total bullshit.
You got what you wanted.
BM: FU....and i mean that as kindly as always.
How does this make me have no life? I made one comment. Then I left for the night. Like I was supposed to know that the fucking board would implode because people get all huffy.
I dunno Gooch.
I'm not sure how to take that.
These [sarcasm][/sarcasm] would have helped I think.
If appropriate to your intentions.
Keep up all of this celebrating and ha ha ha'ing and someone will get censored. Keep it up I tell you.
And if I hear one comment about any 22 year old that I banged, well you just better not even go there.

will i still be allowed to visit the old peoples home?
Quote:will i still be allowed to visit the old peoples home?
You're not 22 yet and nieces can always visit their uncles in the home.
[intentions]i wasn't talking or referring to you in my post[/intentions]
Quote:You're not 22 yet and nieces can always visit their uncles in the home.
just wanna make sure if i start rumors that i wont make you feel uncomfortable
Sorry. I just read this too personally:
Quote:hypocrites. all of you.
You made one fucking comment that you knew would stir up a shit storm on a message board you supposedly have no fucking interest in, yet felt the need to make that one comment anyway.
Don't play stupid. Half of you assholes wouldn't have the fucking balls to pull any of the shit I've seen written here in person.
Quote:just wanna make sure if i start rumors that i wont make you feel uncomfortable
I'm not worried. You've always known how to ease that discomfort. Now stop talking about personal shit on a message board. I can be easily hurt.
I have not been on that board in a month. The only reason I even went there was because DIG posted something here about it.
I go to the board, and the last post before mine is Roger's. It was fate.
And no, I had no idea what it would cause. I thought I would end up getting banned, or the post would get deleted. That's all. I was just having a little fun.
If I made someone cry in the process, all the more gratifying.
Since I had some part in this, I will say I felt a little bad about what happened. I apologized to roger in IMs, however, I also didn't lose any sleep over it. People need to just get over themselves. I started those threads out of no malice to anyone, I just thought it was funny to turn that thread into an underground chat. Certain people took it personally and it went overboard. No one is right or wrong in the matter, it was just a bunch of misunderstnadings that led to the board imploding. Life goes on.
your mistake
[re-edit]hypocrites, some of you[/re-edit]
you with your lawyerly ways. :loveya:
eh i dont really care one way or the other, its not a big deal
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