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I'm new. Whatever. Some shit is better left unsaid.
It's called common decency.
kindred you getting a ride with slash?
Common decency has left the building.
It's honesty time.
If this place has a fucking party, I'll find the sniper's e-mail address and inform him of the location.
Quote:How many more do we need to make it a rally?
Well going by DOn and Mike rallyies, 7 should be enough
Quote:kindred you getting a ride with slash
Exactly. We're buds.

oh alright
Fuck all of you and your stupid "I didnt know what would happen" bullshit.
I'm not trying to be funny, I don't give a fuck if I'm not jumping on the fucking bandwagon.
Regardless of your fucking agendas, Roger is a real person, with a real relationship with Anthony.
The shit that was posted had previously been an huge issue, and obviously they didnt want it mentioned.
I know of many board related incidents that are never discussed because the people involved specifically requested that they not be.
Why the fuck are they any different?
I am really disgusted by all of this shit.
Oooh, Alkey and Silera are gonna have some fire between them tonight!
i think it's intervention time for some of you
maybe the fire will shear off the rest of his ear.
Quote:I don't know why I like you.
If that is directed at me, the answer is simple.
I feed your addiction to Jello shots.
If it's directed at Alkey, hey, lots of people wonder that. :-p :-p :-p :-p :-p :-p
Quote:Oooh, Alkey and Silera are gonna have some fire between them tonight!
So is this board open to new membership?
Quote:Oooh, Alkey and Silera are gonna have some fire between them tonight!
I thought that was old news?
I can honestly say "I didn't know this would happen"..... not that the comments would piss off Anthony and Roger, I knew that. I didn't know that Froy had even less balls than I ever thought he could, and would just take his ass-pounding like a good little bitch.
Anyone going to the pool tourney? :-D
Quote:Anyone going to the pool tourney?
Yes, SLASH and I are giving Amy a ride. Wanna carpool too?
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