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Quote:I really do feel like shit that is gone, cause I know how many of you liked it.
they'll get over it.
Quote:I never fucked her by the way....
I know who did!!!! :lookatme:
Quote:I never fucked her by the way....
That makes two of us
Quote:I never fucked her by the way....
Way I hear it, she strapped one on and fucked you.
Of course, that's just the rumor.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Metal just implicated himself.
Quote:I never fucked her by the way....
I heard that Spaz had her spread eagle at Bar 9 one night.
But that's just a rumoUr.
This forum was led great by DIG, but I think I know who should be the forum leader...
Quote:Forum led by: The Members
Rats. I don't wanna share.
that's touching. i think i'm gonna cry. :lol:
[Freddy "BOOM BOOM" Washington] Hi There. [Freddy "BOOM BOOM" Washington]
Quote:Forum led by: The Members
do we get edit buttons now?
I really fucking dislike a lot of people right now.
I can't even argue with you.
You think you're right and that's that.
You're pulling the same fucking shit you were all so pissed at Anthony for doing with the "Spaz" thing.
Fucking hypocrites.
How do any of you fucking get along in real life with these fucking attitudes?
I love you alkey :loveya: :loveya: :loveya:
I wanna bring something up.
I heard a lot of people placing blame on me for telling galt/oawite that spaz got a BJ from roger. I would like to say one more time, I never have nor ever would ask anyone to post something for me. You should all know that by now.
Another thing, it was done live on fuckin air how hard is it to find out about it? I wanted to open that up and let it be known, cause I think it is utter bullshit.
Quote:You're pulling the same fucking shit you were all so pissed at Anthony for doing with the "Spaz" thing.
I dont love you luna



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