Full Version: I wanna say something
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.. fo shizzle mah nizzle....
I'd prefer HOVA.
now i miss my queen status
I miss the well organized archive of OA show comments.

Quote:now i miss my queen status

Good golly gee!!!!!!

Fine a combo will have to do.
that's better
that's better
How did you pull off a double post, with a 25 second flood control?
by waiting 7 minutes to post again
:enters late to the party:

Quote:VG= Inkgrl?

Roger = Lobster girl? :-o
i'm not inkgirl. Confusedneak:
VG blew Lent? :-o
if your gonna start rumors , atleast get them right, it was opak. duh.
Quote:if your gonna start rumors , atleast get them right, it was opak. duh.

Yeah, but if you're inkgrrl, it would be Lent.... right?
stop it.
VG blew Brain?
vg blew bm?
That's what I hear.

Any truth to that rumor?
I blew BM for my custom status. I'm not ashamed to say it.
yes. BIG truth.

i blew him so i could become a mod, even though he wasn't a mod till after i was one.
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