Full Version: Sue me now you small cocked big chinned "ceo" puss - Aka goodbye
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:fuckoff: :fuckoff: :fuckoff:

:firebounce: :firebounce: :firebounce:

Well Well Well.

What do we have here? Looks like I won AGAIN.

Froy, when are you going to learn...when you shit on every person you work with, you will get fucked in the ass like the jizz gulping cunt you are? My personal feelings about FTL aside, he fucked you good and raw and I couldn't be happier. You were a nobody, more so now than ever, because you couldn't even keep a message board running. I've seen cerebral palsey monsters who chew on thier own tongues that have better social skills and more business savvy than you could ever dream of having.

If I may quote ICE CUBE, "Today was a good day"...for everyone. After years of treating people like horseshit and creating an environment where hideously deformed slobs were given full reign to establish a pecking order and put each other down with g-d awful cruelty, has run its final course to its ultimate and inevitable demise.

I wonder why it lasted as long as it did. Maybe because the slovenly and the grotesque needed that superiority so desperately to maintain thier sanity. Maybe Froy actuallythought people gave a shit about OTL, and kept going to allow people to click through to read those witty articles (as opposed to the reality which was taking all of sixty seconds to leer at his whore of the week and move on to a better site).

You all may hate how I run things at Ronfez.Net, but I've NEVER allowed anyone on my board to take the beatings I've seen people get on (Indeed I've been on the recieving end many times). I've told Sean a dozen times over, this site, one way or another, is fucking done. Either I was going to pull the plug myself and face the consequences. (Froy threatened to sue me if I tried to take my software back. You heard me. I didn't want Froy to use my board software on and he threatened me with legal jargon. I laughed at his big chinny chin chin) The mods laughed at me, but cliched as it is, who's laughing now? I TOLD you this would happen, I told you if you let people go too far a shit storm will rain down on you. Look at riots...people WANT to go ape on each other. Rules are lame but they're necessary, even in a FUN environment...or it stops being fun very quickly and just gets nasty.

Anyway, I'm getting off topic. Fuck you Froy, I dance on the fiery ashes of your failure, and can't wait for OTL to follow suit. Practice your pool cleaning skills, you're going to need them. By the way, feel free to stop by my pool, it's looking a little green, I could use your expertise in the matter.

bwahaahahah... :wgaf: :wgaf: :wgaf:

:bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer:
Froy can't read this board. :thumbs-up:
hey, it's the Pot calling out the Kettle. Hilarious. Jeff's such a joker.
HAHAHAHAHA! Jeff's pool is green.
Today has been like a Real World version of OA message boards. Wicked funny, thanks all.

its kinda cold to go swimming no?
I'm so torn.
pools in this weather make my nipples hard
Quote:Froy can't read this board.

Eh, someone will pass it along I'm sure. It's less for him and more for me... :bouncer: :bouncer:
I dislike froy on a personal level, he ran his site like shit. But I am not glad it is gone cause a lot of people enjoyed it and that is who I care about. If you feel like you won something, good for you, but you didn't win shit. Froy might be an Asshole but this is not about one person, your I told you so's are for shit.
Froy wins again. He has found another way to screw over the people. Take away the site they love. What an ass.
Quote:But I am not glad it is gone cause a lot of people enjoyed it and that is who I care about.

When did you become "man of the people"? Are you running for office or something because I could've sworn you never gave a shit....but whatever, let them come to CDIH...I mean most of them are here already...
Is foundry still the most difficult site in the world to navigate?
Quote:Is foundry still the most difficult site in the world to navigate?

We're redesigning it as we speak.

Quote:This is all abocve any one person, froy, roger, ant, me, ftl, whoever you wanna blame. In the end yes it was the members who suffered, froy didn't care no more. I dunno what to fuckin say no more.

This isn't above Froy. The buck stops at Froy. It's his fucking site. He controls where it goes, in this case, failed to control....
Quote:When did you become "man of the people"? Are you running for office or something because I could've sworn you never gave a shit....but whatever, let them come to CDIH...I mean most of them are here already...

Hey Asshole, don't pretend to know me, too many people are doing that already. I am not running for office, I don't give a fuck about people who don't give a fuck about me, like you for example.

I do care for people who are my friends and people who enjoyed the site cause I loved that site and its members. Why would I keep this site up, do you see a banner here, do you see me trying to make money? No, as silly as it may sound, Sean started it for the same reason I am keeping it up. To give people a place to interact whom have grown bonds together and have been to Hell and back with eachother.

Don;t buy that, too fuckin bad. cause hate me or not I will always say what I feel, good or bad. Now take your holy shit back to and tell people what they can and can not post.
Quote:pools in this weather make my nipples hard

Bah, Twinkies make your nipples hard too, what's your point?
Quote:This isn't above Froy. The buck stops at Froy. It's his fucking site. He controls where it goes, in this case, failed to control....

Ok I worded it wrong, my fault. I meant this is not about just one person, you hate froy, I hate froy. But I never hated the site, no matter how much I hated froy. I went against and told people not to do certain thinsg that would harm/hinder the site. I am not into watching a bunch of people lose something they love over my dislike for one person.

I am over what happened, I don't even "hate" froy. It was his site and he didn't want me as a mod, that is his choice. I hate matt for ruining a friendship we had.
Quote:I do care for people who are my friends and people who enjoyed the site cause I loved that site and its members.

Why would you love a site that sees fit to ban you after all you've given to it? I can see you liking the people, but the site was a piece of shit and so were the people who ran it. I'm surprised the rest of the mods didn't walk away when you were erased.

Bring the people here if you like them so much.
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