Full Version: Hey, has a new banner... - I wonder what happened to the old one...
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I thought Topanga was cute....the show got a little odd, but she was cute....
She looked like an Oompa Loompa
Naw, she was cute in a real girl type of way, not in a she should be a movie star kind of way.
I agree, way overrated looks wise....and chubby
You eat at the Outback. Thus then anything you say is negated.
Damn..... and here i thought Matt finally was gonna use my banner Undecided
[Image: dfishel29.jpg]

Yeah, she's a pig
Which was?
I eat at the Outback because it is where I am told to go...I'd much rather have gone to Santa Fe Steakhouse in Forrest Hills. They have pink lemonade margaritas.

Here's a better pic:
[Image: 011.jpg]
Galt, don't be so insensitive, she's clearly more of a cow than a pig.
She's got a foot of makeup caked on.
The camera is out of focus so as to make her look sexier
They touched her photo up more than the Darva Conger Playboy shoot.

I call: Troll
Melinda fucked Topanga
she's hotter than those skanks avril lavigne or christina aguilera, I'll give her that...
Okay if you all think she's so ugly, who do you think is hot? Granted I don't think she's hot, but I don't think she's as ugly as your perfectionists are making her out to be.
Susan Ward
Kate Beckinsdale
Sleeper's Mom
I'd be happy with one

Hell.. even one-half (conditional on it being the LOWER half.. and properly heated)
sleepers mom is not hot. she <3 dorney park. how is that hot?
Dorney Park is BAD! I almost died there!
I don't get it Undecided
don't get what sugar?
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