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He sure is an angry lil niglet.

that guy needs some therapy
Quote:A special message from Rich Vos: "Fuck Afrika, X-filed, and TFEC, Rich Vos always wins in the end!!
he needs some of that zoloft
Quote:Jennifer, Ron & Jen, Joey, Tom, Kev, Mike, Brian, Sean
What a bunch of losers!!
yeah this all sounds like some thing someone would write in a year book..
Quote:What a bunch of losers!!
yeah, especially that ron guy...what a loser ;-)
Have a fun summer... losers.
Glad we met!!!!
Zooty -N-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Didn't talk to ya that much, but you seem pretty cool. Don't go into any bell towers-
...wait, that was in my yearbook, nevermind...
Quote:Sexbagel, is that the chick Topanga from that ABC show that I can't remember the name of?
Boy Meets World, now viewable on, of all channels, the Disney Channel.
That girl always looked like a troll.
Fat, with oblong tits, and a deformed face
I thought Topanga was cute....the show got a little odd, but she was cute....
She looked like an Oompa Loompa
Naw, she was cute in a real girl type of way, not in a she should be a movie star kind of way.
I agree, way overrated looks wise....and chubby
The camera adds 10 lbs...don't be so insensitive!
You eat at the Outback. Thus then anything you say is negated.
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