Full Version: Time to change the sheets...... - Its time
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Pages: 1 2
Are you sure you just didn't stop at Taco Bell for breakfast?
Fair point.

It could be the Margarita in front of me.

I must say though that I think this whole toga thing is a bad idea. Think of the children man, think of the children.
If the children are teen girls, I will think of them often.
Yes, but do you really want to give them nightmares that they'll need lifetime therapy to get over? :clueless:
[Image: togabeer1.jpg]
I've been to parties like that. Although I dont quite remember It being a beer I was holding to the girls mouth.
Oooh, sexual innuendo.

Heeey, you're pretty perceptive! I thought I was being subtle.
Pages: 1 2