Full Version: Top 5 jews of all time?
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Quote:part jew, all jew. That is what hitler said.

The funny thing is he was an 1/8 jew himself as his grandfather was 1/4 jew.
That's jew enough fo' me.
Sorry...I did 12

Isaac Asimov
Arthur Miller
Ayn Rand
Carl Sagan
Neil Simon
David Mamet
Bob Dylan
Stan Lee
Woody Allen
Steven Spielburg
Noam Chomsky
Marx Brothers
Jesus and Lewis Black.
King Herrod

No need to list anybody else.
my cat will be making a presentation later tonight to convince you all to include him on your lists :thumbs-up:
your cat is shit.

Schroedinger's cat, now you got something.
<font size=+1>MEL BROOKS!!</font>
sir toby > arpi's cat...but toby is gone, isnt he?
cindy margolis is jewish?

now i love her even more
froy's jewish??
please no
harrison ford is 1/2 jew. so is David Duchoveney.
hehehe jews
Jewish powers ACTIVATE!

You can snatch up a penny in a single bound? :clueless:
with his tongue. like a frog.
That kind of tongue probably helps in getting the cream filling out.
like a vacuum
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