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Galt would probably willingly step down for such greatness.
I have class until 9:30, and can't make it back in time for a draft. I'll probably miss the first 30 minutes

This is seriously all a conspiracy by Sleeper and his bitch-servant GonzoStyle to prevent me from my rightful perch atop fantasyland.
stop whining
Quote:This is seriously all a conspiracy by Sleeper and his bitch-servant GonzoStyle to prevent me from my rightful perch atop fantasyland.
I can move the draft up to 10:30 if you want.
you wanna suck his cock too?
Quote:stop winning

That's what Sleeper kept saying to me, Hybrid
:-D can't do 10:30. i actually have a job I wake up for in the morning. :thumbs-up:

Edited By Teenweek on 1034638035
fine draft is as it stands then, galt will just have to hope wbk doesn't take pierce 1st.
I reserve my right to continuously whine like a bitch if I don't get what I want, still.
Whine all you want, wbk is gonna get pierce before you.
hahahahahah yes!
Drea De Matteo has genital warts
i can make the draft now. gonzo <3's me more then galt :loveya:
I got an e-mail from yahoo, pretty much as I figured. The draft is not autopick so don't worry.

Quote:Mon Oct 14 03:30pm PDT
Hello gonzostyles,

Unfortunately, we were unable to draft players into your league (CDIH Basketball). This likely happened for one of the following reasons:

1. You had less than four teams in your league at the time of the draft.

2. Your league uses the Head-to-Head scoring system, but had an odd number of teams in it at the time of the draft.

We have changed your league to an Autopick draft and set your status to Not Ready. Once you have fixed the problem, you can either choose a new live draft time or set your status to Ready and have us draft your league. See the rules for more information.

--Fantasy NBA Commissioner
PAUL PIERCE WILL BE MINE!!!!!1 :rofl: :rofl:
I thought you wanted TMac?
If someone else gets Pierce, don't think you can take advantage of me by trading him to me. I won't give up more than my first three picks to get him.
shhhhhh Gomez dont blow up my spot
Don't worry, Id id'nt tell them about your master plan to draft Georghe Mursesan
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