My current gut feeling is he will face Hogan at Wrestlemania. I know it sounds like a God awful match, but I can see them hyping it as a battle of the 2 biggest WWF stars of all-time.
Most likely the whole nWo or just Hogan will attack Austin at No Way Out because it was he who stopped Flair from signing that contract. Now Vince will want revenge for that.
I think you have it wrong. I think the nWo is going to help Y2J next sunday and fuck Austin out of the title. Wrestlemania main event will be Y2J vs TripleH and Austin vs Hogan or some shit.
i dont care who austin faces, i just hope it's for the title. AND WHEN THE FUCK ARE THEY GOING TO MAKE 1 BELT? y2j carrying around 2 belts is starting to piss me off.
Sean Cold Wrote:I think you have it wrong. I think the nWo is going to help Y2J next sunday and fuck Austin out of the title. Wrestlemania main event will be Y2J vs TripleH and Austin vs Hogan or some shit.
I do believe that's what I implied.
Fuck the two belts, what happened to wearing belts around your waist? It's not a championship suspender, it's a championship belt.
I'm leaning towards Y2J Vs. HHH at WM, and Hogan Vs. Stone Cold because Rock or not Stone Cold is #1 in the business. Plus it will be a revenge match because of the interference against austin at No Way Out. As far as Nash & Hall I dunno I can picture maybe Taker in the picture moving away from the McMahon kiss up and back to the protector of the WWF in a tag match with maybe the rock against the outsiders.
Flock of Moosen Wrote:I do believe that's what I implied.
You know, one day I am going to have to start reading whole posts damn it!

I think Austin will definately face Hogan, Hall, or Nash at Wrastel Mania. He'll then lose because of massive interference from the rest of the nWo or Vince or what would be more gooder a surprise enemy who runs the fuck out and stops the bionic redneck.
Then, Billy and Chuck will come out and beat back the nWo. Austin joins the ambiguously gay duo and Chuckie, Billy, and Stevie will be the baddest, and gayest trio even outflaming goldust.
Scratch the last paragraph, and that's what I believe might happen. Overall, we'll see at the PPV. Fuck yeah. :fuggin:
Feeling that i have....
Y2J vs HHH at WM18, with Jericho winning
Hogan and Undertaker, or Hall and Nash vs Austin and the Rock, with NWO winning.
y2j vs hhh in main event #1
hogan, hall and nash vs. austin, rock and someone else in main event #2 (maybe flair??)
i can't see the nwo wrestling seperately, not yet anyway