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From an e-mail b/w vos and myself

Quote:See now, isn't this fun?

I only wish that we could still go toe-to-toe on the board.

It's fun to upstage a pro.

Kid Afrika.

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Richard Vos <[email protected]> wrote:

No what's more pathetic, you responded, and everyone that reads the board for the last time will all know the Jew who is way more superior than the African gets the final say. So long spook, hope you get a job and maybe I am busting your balls. Vos

----- Original Message -----
From: Kid Afrika
Sent: Monday, October 14, 2002 8:58 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: "FUCK Afrika..."

Hey man, thanks for the shoutout. I would think a no talent hack like yourself would at least understand when someone's busting his balls, and not take things personally. But, oh well, it's funnier that I got under your skin enough that you remember me over six months after I was deleted from

Anyhoo, what are ya gonna do now that there's no more O&A show? Suck some dick for crack? Being from Plainfield, you should know how to do that already. Shit, you can't be worse at that than you are at "comedy".

Have a nice day, you pathetic fucking loser.

Kid Afrika
Hell, Jim Bruer is doing sound bite advertisements for an Allentown rock station. The old "This is Jim Bruer and your listing to the Valley's #1 rock station " thing. Maybe Voss can get a gig doing infomercials for a used car dealer.
Froy sucks Rich Vos off too??

Nice job KidA :bouncer: :-D
You responded.

He wins.
i'm with keyser on this one. Confuseduicide:
oh sure, throw that up in my face... Confusedneak:
That's not fair. How could Kid avoid not having the last word. :poke:
Afrika, if you could suck your own dick would you post that too?
Quote:Afrika, if you could suck your own dick would you post that too

If he could suck his own dick, I don't think he have time for anything... let alone posting.
If I could do that I would never leave the house. But I settle for the next best thing... I put my cell phone on vibrate, leave it in my pocket, and call myself all day long.
wakka wakka wakka.
Quote:the Jew who is way more superior than the African gets the final say.

I agree, jews are way more superior.
Quote:Suck some dick for crack?
For crack?

Shows how much you know.
Quote:Suck some dick for crack?

Hey that's my line, once again you fail to see the genius.

Non-jew, fuckin figures.
I fail to see the genius in anything you do.
Quote:You responded.

He wins.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: ....gasp..... :rofl:
Quote:I fail to see the genius in anything you do.

what about when I do you?
Then you're just messing with genius.
You really need to just stand back and recognize.
If you give me enough time to really look, I might get away.
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