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Do you hate them $60 worth?

Eliminate telemarketers
I hear this is also very effective, and cheaper too.

Edited By goatweed on 1034689331
buck 39...

[Image: whistle.gif]
I just tell them "You can't talk to her, she's dead...they usually don't call back. Especially after I pretend to start crying and if I feel like really fucking with them, go through the brutal details of my death.

But that way sounds pretty good too, goatweed. I'll have to try it.
I used to not like them, but I found a cool way to deal with it now. Let them talk. I had one the other night I told I wasnt interested and he kept talking. So I put the phone down and he kept going. The last thing I heard was "Hello? Hello?" It really made my night
spit, that is brilliant! i have to try that sometime.
I love telemarketers, they brighten up my day. I read my posts and post ideas to them, I play games with thier heads. I confuse the fuck out of them, I couldn't imagine life without them. I tried having phone sex with one last week, fuckin prude.
I like Spit's idea... I've done stuff kinda like that... but sometimes i just string them along for a few minutes, pretending to be interested, then i start asking completely inane questions that have nothing to do with what they are offering... but i would never pay for any kind of tele-blocker... i'm way to cheap... plus, it's more fun tormenting them :lol:
I usually either let them do their speach, not saying a word. They then feel uncomfortable and say "hello?" Or when asked "Are you interested in switching to....?" I give an excited "YES!" then hang up.
I tell them..."I don't care what you're offering I'm not interested save your speech" and for some reason they keep telling me stuff...there are a few thought that get pissed off and say very angrily "Thank you for your time..." and then hang up...
I put my dog on the phone once...Sad thing is that 3 minutes late the guy was still talking, guess my voice and the sound of a dog slobbering are the same
I like to blow a whistle when people ask for me that I dont know, makes their eardrums pop and bleed, which makes me giggle like Gonzo after he found out he could hide in my bushes and watch me play Soulblade naked.