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:lookatme: Hiya guys! :lookatme:

Poor Momo Undecided What happened?
You don't have magus copywritten, it's lord magus. thusthen, you get nothing for us using magus. You can sue us, we'll win
Quote:Poor Momo Undecided What happened?
I was hit by a pick up truck on my motorcycle Undecided
:toast: :toast: :toast: :toast: :toast: :toast:
for everyone!!!!!!!!1
did you fly?
:fuggin: :fuggin: :fuggin: :fuggin: :fuggin: :fuggin:

for everyone else!!!!!!!1
Fucking fuckers! So sorry, babe :disappointed: Got some good painkillers at least?

Quote:did you fly?
it was more like a failed space shuttle launch... i flew about 20 feet, then came crashing to the ground...
at least he gets pain killers, i had nuttin!!!

Spit.... they only gave me percacets... but i got a friend who's supposed to hook me up with some valium & some oxycotton :crackhead:
fuckin geeks, both of you belong in the geek forum.

One for starting this thread, the other for still playing D&D.
Quote:One for starting this thread, the other for still playing D&D
I tried this game once, but I couldn't get into it - I guess I was lucky!
Someone say Hi to me. I'm feeling neglected.
:lookatme: hey hippie!!! :fuggin:
What kind of bike Moron? Will they be able to fix it, or are ya gonna have to get a new one?
Don't spoil me now.

I guess I was attracted by the smell of litigation...
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