Full Version: Attention!!!! - No Nudity rule
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i wish i could say that was sexy
is Alkey there too
you lucky bastard
i dont even have any so no one has any

i hope
big brother is watching you drusilla
Quote:All these one word replys and nonsence posts with inside joke are pointless and are no longer going to be tollerated.

No one word replies, or nudity, Alkey & Silera are gonna start shooting people, I can smell it.

Luna wouldn't last 5 seconds on that board.
Luna is ours, she has been chained to the basement.
this thread sucks [Image: boobies.gif]

Edited By Weird NJ on 1034712863
remove that smiley, it contains nudity.
ok, THAT smiley is gone
I wanna sign up to just to post This Thread Sucks in that thread.
i'm scared

someone hold me
i'll hold yah if yah hold my.......oh nevermind
SAY IT!!!!!
I'll hold if you if you let me tickle your sides.
Quote:Luna wouldn't last 5 seconds on that board.
I bought clothes.

I'll start wearing them.

It's getting cold anyhoo.
Please no chat threads and no one word replies either.

not for nothing, neither that board nor this board would exist if not for That is all I got to say on the situation.

Silera is not allowed to post naked pics until she gets Ants to post his.
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