If you 'change out your intranets', you shall be just fine. If you need any help, just ask OAAGALT.
Try adding more processors.
I didn't download the new software.
If you've gotten the email with your new password, use that for your mail. Servers are:
POP3: mail.comcast.net
SMTP: smtp.comcast.net
I set up my email pretty easily that way.
Isn't Comcast going to be capping the service as well? I'm not sure.
Yes, I have heard they are capping it at around 1200-1500.
Here's an interesting read about the Comcast software...
DSL Reports
...and an excerpt from /.
"According to insiders at Comcast there will be three tiers of service. The current service will be called Silver and it will be 1500/128 for $49.95 plus modem rental. Yes that is true, they are planning on a $10 price increase within the next year after the transition is complete and the merger with AT&T Broadband Internet is finalized. Comcast doesn't want to mess with the rates right now until they get regulatory approval for the merger. But the S.O.P. at AT&T and Comcast is a price increase after a merger. Look at what Cable rates did after the Mediaone transition.
Gold service will be 1500/300 and will allow VPN access and something they are calling priority traffic. This is the old Pro service. The cost will be $99.95. If you are a gamer used to the old MediaOne performance, this Gold level should get you back close to the perf you had with the old system. And yes that means you will be paying double for the same service you had last year.
The new low price option is Bronze. Expected to be 128/64 or maybe 256/128 it should be priced at $29.95. This is the one that is most in the air. I haven't seen a bronze config file yet to see what they are planning.
Modem rentals will be $5 and may increase to $7. "
Edited By Keyser Soze on Feb. 12 2002 at 3:06