This is something I always did on the other board the week of the PPV. For those who care put your predictions down for this Sunday. See how well you do.
WWE Championship; Hell in a Cell
Brock Lesnar vs. the Undertaker
Winner: Brock Lesnar
I think Matt Hardy will interfere and cost Undertaker the belt. Undertaker will make mattitude version 1 famous and throw him off the Hell in the Cell.
Champion vs. Champion; Winner Take All
World Heavyweight Champion Triple H vs. Intercontinental Champion Kane
Winner:HHH with help from the ghost of Katie Vick (less than 2 weeks from halloween, so it could happen) or Katie Vick's mother. HHH now the unified champ.
WWE Tag Team Championship Tournament Finals
Edge and Rey Mysterio vs Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit
Winner: Most importantly the fans. Please let this match be after the big clusterfuck of kane and HHH to get the taste out of everyone's mouth. This should be and will be the match of the night. If you order the PPV, this match should be worth it.
Real Winner: I think Edge and Rey Mysterio when the Guerrero's interfere and cost Benoit and Angle the match.
World Tag Team Championship
Booker T & Goldust vs. Christian & Chris Jericho
Winners:Christian and Jericho. They wouldn't win the belts Monday and than lose less than a week later. That team has potential and Booker should be a single's wrestler.
Women's Championship
Victoria vs. Trish Stratus
Winner:And new champion Victoria. They are pushing her to the moon now. She will win the belt.
Rob Van Dam vs. Ric Flair
Winner: RVD even though HHH will interfere in match. RVD will still come through.
Torrie Wilson vs Dawn marie

awn Marie with help from Torrie's father.
Possible Rumored match:
Cruiserweight championship
Jamie Knoble vs Tajiri
Winner and new champ: Tajiri with help from Nidia.
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RVD will be traded to Smackdown for Chris Benoit at the end of the night, which means he'll prob lose to Flair due to interference (though he could win..but i smell screw job).
RVD will then feud with Brock and go for the title at Survivor Series (his big push)
Benoit will be one of the new Horsemen, along with Flair, Trips, and Randy Orton, who's not as injured as he looks.
Brock Lesnar vs. the Undertaker
I personally love your idea about Mattitude taking a good fall, but I am not sure he would do that. I think that Brock will win, and I am hoping for a good match.
World Heavyweight Champion Triple H vs. Intercontinental Champion Kane
Tripz will win, he always seems to.. but the Katie Vick thing may turn out interesting, if Kane loses his mask and all, which is a possibility.
Edge and Rey Mysterio vs Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit
I have to go with Rey and Edge winning the titles, I am such a fan of Rey Rey, since his debut in WCW, and I really think he deserves a title to help his push along.
Booker T & Goldust vs. Christian & Chris Jericho
I guess that The canadians will retain their tag titles, because they wont take them from them after just getting them, I totally agree. I am not sure of what to do with Golddust without booker, they have been a great pairing recently, and Booker should definitly get a push of his own for singles.
Victoria vs. Trish Stratus
I just want Trish to win because I love looking at her. I dont care otherwise.
Rob Van Dam vs. Ric Flair
You can smell the HHH interference, but I think that flair will lose to RVD, I mean come on, Flair lost to Rico a few weeks ago.
Torrie Wilson vs Dawn marie
Who cares, they are both real hot, and Dawn Marie, although not the greatest face in the world, my god does she have a great body....
Jamie Knoble vs Tajiri
Knoble, because Nidia will come out with Tajiri, but turn on him at the end of course and go with the white trash champ, who I really do like too. A good series with Rey and Noble would be great.
Thats what I think. and good idea bringing this back.
The Kane Triple H match might wind up being pretty decent...Not good by any stretch of the imagination, but them taking away his tag title seems to indicate that his world title match will be grueling, so they did'nt want to burn him out.
It would be stupid for Booker and Goldust to lose, they have been bitchslapped for the better part of the month and are still over, they need to continue, a loss would only bring them back down.
I'm hoping they end this Gold Dust/Booker T thing. Golddust is the most annoying this on any WWE program. The occasional comedy is not worth his waste of television space.
Brock v Taker - I think that Brock will win, but yes like everyone else, I know that Taker will not go down cleanly. I mean, he has to have a broken hand so he has a built in excuse when he loses.
hhh v kane - hhh wins cause stephanie said so
rvd v flair - rvd wins after hhh tries to interfere and it backfires
rey rey/edge v benoit/angle - benoit and angle win so that they have to coexist together some more. similar to how lance storm and chris candido did in ecw
booker t/golddust v jericho/christian - the champs keep their titles and this further sets up the jericho booker fued for next month
trish v victoria - victoria wins, totally dominating the match
dawn marie v torrie - like ftard, who cares who wins as long as they lose some clothing!
tajiri v noble - tajiri wins due to interference from nidia. noble will punk them both out after the match, and set up a continued fued.
I saw a rumor saying that a bunch of former Ic champs will be at No mercy tonight to protest the end of the Intercontintal title.
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WWE Championship; Hell in a Cell
Brock Lesnar vs. the Undertaker
Winner: Brock Lesnar
Pretty good match. I was shocked Lesnar had a clean pin and they never left the cage.
Champion vs. Champion; Winner Take All
World Heavyweight Champion Triple H vs. Intercontinental Champion Kane
This match was ok. Basically what I expected with HHH winning wiht lots of interference. Now lets have HHH vs Booker T at Survivor Series at MSG.
WWE Tag Team Championship Tournament Finals
Edge and Rey Mysterio vs Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit
-Great match. Definitely match of the night. These 4 guys put on a show. See how Benoit and Angle do as champs.
World Tag Team Championship
Booker T & Goldust vs. Christian & Chris Jericho
I liked this match too. Glad Jericho and Christian kept the belts. Now push Booker against HHH starting tonight.
Women's Championship
Victoria vs. Trish Stratus
Better than I thought it would be. Surprised Victoria did not win. The only reason is to continue it and have her win it either on Raw or at Survivor Series.
Rob Van Dam vs. Ric Flair
-Ok match. Glad RVD won.
Torrie Wilson vs Dawn marie
WOrst match of the night. Where was Torrie's dad? What was the point of that storyline?
Cruiserweight championship
Jamie Knoble vs Tajiri
-Good match. THought Tajiri would win the belt.
-Nothing great on the PPV, but nothing bad either. I was happy with it. It was better than I thought it would be. Lalwer had the line of the night when he said Trish's puppies are exclusive to Raw and telling Michale Cole and Tazz that this is No Mercy not an edition of SMackdown.
Great, the Big show is due for a push. I bet Bischoff does gie him a match vs HHH tonight. But the person who will interfere and totally crush the Big show is the returning Batista. He will be Bischoff's revenge for Big SHow manhandling him last night. I don't think it will be the Island Boyz because they have kicked Big SHow's ass already too many times. :banana:
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This PPV was decent, but not the greatest - again, I'm glad I have a hot-box, because I would've been pissed if I paid for it.
Is anyone else getting tored of hearing Michael Cole and Tazz go on and on about how "this is the type of wrestling that you'll find only on Smackdown!"? Chrsit, they say it about 1000 times
on Smackdown!, and then to reiterate it another 1000 times during the PPV is ridiculous.
I also thought the tag match was definitely the match of the night. Taker/Lesnar match was ok, but Taker really looked old. And what about those ropes falling apart during the tag match?
The rest of the PPV was ok - at least we get to look forward to another push for the Big Slow

Quote:Is anyone else getting tored of hearing Michael Cole and Tazz go on and on about how "this is the type of wrestling that you'll find only on Smackdown!"? Chrsit, they say it about 1000 times on Smackdown!, and then to reiterate it another 1000 times during the PPV is ridiculous.
That is why Lawler's comments were right on and by Trish's puppies were exclusive property of Raw, showed what an Asshole Michael Cole really is. Too bad they could not have gotten Joey Styles. HIm and Tazz would have made a great announce team. Fuck I'll even take the human shill Tony Schiavone over Michael Cole. Yes there is a split, but in actuality it is the same Damn company. Don't keep saying Smackdown, Smackdown, Smackdown on the fucking PPV. You will only find Undertaker's cast on Smackdown. You will only see the Torrie Wilson incest angle with her father on Smackdown. You will only see Eddie Guerrero's mullet on Smackdown. You will only see Kurt Angle's olympic gold medals on Smackdown. Shut the fuck up already.
Quote:at least we get to look forward to another push for the Big Slow
Like I said Big Slow will get his tonight. Don't fuck with Bischoff. I just hope Batista is the one who does it.
Edited By Teenweek on 1035208434
Quote:You will only see Kurt Angle's olympic gold medals on Smackdown
I think I actually heard them say this one once.
Quote:Like I said Big Slow will get his tonight
Show should stick to touring the world doing PR for the company. He's a freak, and does draw the crowd - I'd bet he gets more pops signing autographs and plugging events than he does in the ring.
I might actually watch RAW tonight to see how Bischoff handles this - he looked pretty pissed off last night, and that's what the WWE needs - angry managament. It's no Stone Cold/Vince McMahon angle, but it's better than HLA.
PPV: Though the storylines were awful, the wrestling in the ring was spectacular. Kudo's for Jericho for saving a fucked up end of the tag-team match where the ring broke.
the tag match was incredible. almost 30 minutes of great action from those 4...the cell match was pretty good, thought the blood made up for not going on top of the cage during the action. neither of those 2 could take the 20foot fall so this was a decent way to do it. the womans match wasn't as good as their raw fights so that was a dissappointment. rvd flair was disappointing but an ok match...all in all i was satisfied with goat, i am glad i don't have to pay for it...
You guys actually pay attention to the commentary? :rofl:
I barely listen to the commentary at all. The only things I do hear are the things that pop out at you, like Michael Cole saying something much more stupid than usual, JR saying "scalded dog" or "government mule" or anything about a woodshed.....
All four of them royally fucking suck.
Yeah, like lawler is any better with his constant talk of puppies and how this one is hot and that one is hot. The fucking end came when JR was talking about this jezebel that lied about the UT and Lawler said, "yeah but she's hot". What a fucking tool. Can we just shell out a little money here and get Steve Corino to do color with JR. Corino is almost as good as Angle on the mic and would be an awesome commentator for RAW.
there is only one man to get...
Jesse "The Body", who will be out of office in November, I believe. You put Jesse and Ross on Smackdown, and all will be well.
Jesse and Ross on Raw and Joey Styles and Tazz on Smackdown. Now you got something. Put Lawler on Sunday Night Heat and Michael Cole to Velocity.