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Quote:Fucking BENNIES!!!! Ruin my nice, quiet beach town
eat me you piney bitch

i guess that i am half a bennie, cause most of my family lives down the shore, and i used to basically live with them during the summers and any other vacation time, that's got to count for something right?
Quote:that's got to count for something right?
No, not really.
who asked you? i was speaking to the almighty spitfire
Quote:Yeah, the beach in the Winter is nice. But you can't sit on the beach for quite as long cause it gets cold with the breeze off of the ocean.
perfect time to fly a nice 7' Team Hawaiian Chevron...
Stunt kite in laymans terms...
LZMF1 Wrote:rather than sitting around whining learn how to ride(snowboard in layman's terms) or ski.
FYI - I do know how to ski and used to ski all the time. If one despises cold weather why in the world would one go hang out in it and freeze one's butt off?

Quote:eat me you piney bitch
Hehe, can I make that a threat or a promise? :blow:
Maybe this summer

...Where's your family live?
The term "piney" is for those half-breeds in South Jersey...not us shore YOU LOSE!!!11 :0
Well, it's better to be a "piney" than a Jackson White like Moron. :roflmao:
Maynard Wrote:Well, it's better to be a "piney" than a Jackson White like Moron. :roflmao:
You are sooooooooo fucking dead.
spit= piney :p
Quote:Well, it's better to be a "piney" than a Jackson White like Moron.
oh man oh man, momo is going to kill you

Jesus fucking christ, you people have all lost your sense of humor.
BAH! to you all!!11!
i find this jersey speak a little overwhelming. could somebody please post a glossary of terms, thank you :fuggin:
Quote:i find this jersey speak a little overwhelming. could somebody please post a glossary of terms, thank you
it's quite easy my dear,
Spit =piney= jersey white trash that lives in the pine barrens of southern jersey :roflmao:
moron= jackson whites= inbred bunch of freaks( but that's all according to maymay)
i guess i will lable myself while i am at it...
vg=bergen county elitist bitch ( so everyone says)

Me = Union County = Benny
Benny - Those that use the Jersey shore for it's two resources....the beach and the pussy. :roflmao:
Quote:and the pussy
I just hang out outside of Seph's house for that.
Just make sure you get there before his mom makes dinner, otherwise you''l be SOL!
Maynard Wrote:Jesus fucking christ, you people have all lost your sense of humor.
BAH! to you all!!11!
MayNERD, I see you finally took a look at yourself in the mirror, huh? :bouncer:
Quote:Spit =piney= jersey white trash that lives in the pine barrens of southern jersey
:fuckoff: Pineys=anyone who lives from Exit 74 down off the Garden State Parkway...I live off of Exit 88, therefore, I am NOT A FUCKING PINEY!!!11 :punch:
Quote:vg=bergen county elitist bitch
Yeah, I know a few people from up there...damn rich bitch snobs! :moonie:
Spitfire Wrote:Quote:Spit =piney= jersey white trash that lives in the pine barrens of southern jersey
:fuckoff: Pineys=anyone who lives from Exit 74 down off the Garden State Parkway...I live off of Exit 88, therefore, I am NOT A FUCKING PINEY!!!11 :punch:
Quote:vg=bergen county elitist bitch
Yeah, I know a few people from up there...damn rich bitch snobs! :moonie:
uh huh, you keep telling yourself that piney-grrl :p
anything below exit 154 is all piney people...hee hee
and yes, that is exactly me, a rich bitch snob :p :roflmao:
19 Days 'til the first day of spring!
:bouncer: Yay - Merrily - Yayyy :bouncer:
Tuesday was a Spring Tease :confused: :angry: :blow:
Where'd the warm weather go?????
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