Maynard Wrote:
I want my greyness back. 
Grey is my favoUrite coloUr, I felt so symbolic yesterday.
Today is kinda cold... but it's getting there!!! :bouncer:
Maynard Wrote:
I want my greyness back. 
If it's grey hair you are looking for, Maymay, I have a few to spare for you. :p
LunaBabe Wrote:Maynard Wrote:
I want my greyness back. 
If it's grey hair you are looking for, Maymay, I have a few to spare for you. :p
No, trust me. I have those.
And NO ARPI, my pubes are not grey.
Maynard Wrote:And NO ARPI, my pubes are not grey.
No, they are blonde. What the fuck dude?
GonzoStyle Wrote:Maynard Wrote:And NO ARPI, my pubes are not grey.
No, they are blonde. What the fuck dude?
No they're not blonde either. They're non existant.
Maynard Wrote:GonzoStyle Wrote:Maynard Wrote:And NO ARPI, my pubes are not grey.
No, they are blonde. What the fuck dude?
No they're not blonde either. They're non existant.
Just when you thought he couldn't get gayer.
Maynard Wrote:No they're not blonde either. They're non existant.
Whose cum poker was I sucking then?
Quote:I want my greyness back.
Slash, he said greyness not gayness.

Quote:Slash, he said greyness not gayness
what exactly are you implying?
and don't worry pro-winter people, it's supposed to get down to the 20's on monday, and a couple of years ago, i remember it snowing on st pat's. and, like luna said, still almost 3 weeks til spring.
SO WHY THE FUCK HAS MY FUCKING HEAT BEEN TURNED OFF??????? if i kill my landlord will you come visit me in prison before i get deported?
crx girl Wrote:Quote:Slash, he said greyness not gayness
what exactly are you implying?
and don't worry pro-winter people, it's supposed to get down to the 20's on monday, and a couple of years ago, i remember it snowing on st pat's. and, like luna said, still almost 3 weeks til spring. SO WHY THE FUCK HAS MY FUCKING HEAT BEEN TURNED OFF??????? if i kill my landlord will you come visit me in prison before i get deported?
because your landlord knows what a cold bitch you are and thought you would like it that way
pay your bills!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fuck this goddamn motherfucking shitty ass fucking weather already...
Another goddamn fishing trip cancelled because of high winds offshore...
I fucking give up.
Sluggo Wrote:Fuck this goddamn motherfucking shitty ass fucking weather already...
Another goddamn fishing trip cancelled because of high winds offshore...
I fucking give up.
I'll play with ya sluggy..
Got any 7's?
GonzoStyle Wrote:crx girl Wrote:SO WHY THE FUCK HAS MY FUCKING HEAT BEEN TURNED OFF???????
pay your bills!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i do pay my bills. :fuckoff:
GonzoStyle Wrote:crx girl Wrote:i do pay my bills. :fuckoff:
Well thank god for eric.
bite me mother fucker, he hasn't even given me his full share of the rent yet. he doesn't support me, fucking mastercard supports me :fuckoff: :fuckoff: :fuckoff: