Full Version: Fu to winter - Enough already
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c'mon ladies. this has been a mild, almost nonexistant winter.
LZMF1 Wrote:c'mon ladies. this has been a mild, almost nonexistant winter.
I need sunlight.....days that don't get dark at 5:00. :pissed:

Die winter DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:punch: <--winter
don't worry, it's almost over.
it may be mild.. but its indecisive...[Image: behead.gif] <----winter
hell, I love the winter.

It's 82 degrees here and sunny.

Ahlexus Wrote:hell, I love the winter.

It's 82 degrees here and sunny.

UGH...yer mean! :disappointed: :crackhead: Confuseduicide:
LunaBabe Wrote:
Ahlexus Wrote:hell, I love the winter.

It's 82 degrees here and sunny.

UGH...yer mean! :disappointed: :crackhead: Confuseduicide:
Hey, maybe if you'd wear that extra "layer", then you wouldn't be so cold. Big Grin :bouncer:
can someone explain how in the course of 2 days the weather can go from 60 to 30 with a chance of flurries?!?
we getting snow tonight??
there's a chance of flurries tonight for NY and NJ.
i'm getting snow right now, but then again i live in the sticks near mountain creek.
LZMF1 Wrote:i'm getting snow right now, but then again i live in the sticks near mountain creek.
QUICK! Roll a joint and jump in the hot tub!
not a bad idea. too bad my wife doesn't smoke up. the last time i got her high was in the early 90's. i wish i had some acid or shrooms, that would hit the spot and my wife would have no clue that i was all sorts of messed up
acid+my hotub+the disco lights my dad just hooked up in it= me freaking out.... or better yet... candy flipping...
inkgrrrl Wrote:acid+my hotub+the disco lights my dad just hooked up in it= me freaking out.... or better yet... candy flipping...
nope, it's all mind over matter.
how do you figure?
from personal experience.

if you indulge in certain hallucinogenic drugs and go into it thinking that you're gonna have a "bad trip" then you most certainly will.

i've taken so many that i could legally be considered insane, yet i am lucid, well mannered, calm, and collective.

i've been in situations while indulging in such pleasures that would make most people completely freak out like being involved in an all out brawl in which you are pitted against a good friend. i'm a much better fighter than he is so i let him get a few shots in to make himself feel better. all of this while completely whacked outta my mind and also with out losing my temper and pummeling him.

so yeah, i guess for me it is all mind over matter.
oh when i said freaking out.. i didnt mean it in a bad way [Image: RotCol.gif]
that kind of freaking out is perfectly acceptable.
yay! **goes back to dreaming of when acid was findable**
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