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its 2 in the afternoon here while 7 in the morning in ny. you are all asleep while i am alert and ready for action. I RULE!!!!!
ACK! you have awoken and ruined my Finnish time travel plot. Curses!
I planned it all along. sucker.
back to the drawing board. Undecided
your trip is a failure!!!
Quote:while i am alert and ready for action

time to mop the stage?
How come you're in Finland? What time is it there now?
Quote:time to mop the stage?
i may be many things, but a prop man is not one of them. ick!

by the way, it is still really cold in this wasteland of a country.
your trip obviously sucks since you're here posting on an internet message board
Quote:How come you're in Finland?

I think he's looking for the perfect pickled herring.