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Quote:Mushroom night? Seems I missed that too
my name for it :crackhead:
friend & boyfriend had their own 'private party' ;-)

nice to see you back Spit
(we never did get to have Slacker Party 2 at the Spit house, maybe we can have Mushroom night.) :lol:
Quote:i wish people would confess more.

I raped the Central Park jogger.
What would you like me to confess VG?
The only drugs that ever came close to tempting me were hallucinogenics. Never tried any.

I've never had a nickname.

I prefer IM'ing ladies cause I talk to nothing but guys all day.
Oh, and the Lindbergh baby?

That was me too.
I lied to my ex boyfriend and pretended to be a virgin when we had sex because I cheated on him a few days before and f'ed my hot friend.
speaking of confessing more...

i have yet more confessions.

i actually look forward to going to work, only because it allows me to check the board here. i then proceed to spend the next three hours responding.

i wish my g/f was a bit more "adventurous"

on the way home from a meeting today, i made a special point to stop into burger king, just to buy a simpson's halloween toy. i got werewolf flanders. kinda cute. saddest thing is, the toy is recommended for kids b/w 3 and 8. I'm niether 3, nor 8.
I don't have a nickname either, except for the ones that people call me behind my back.
Your ex must have been the all-time loser of losers Polly.
i wish i could say more, but every time i get to this box, i blank on what to write in it. i feel bad for reading all of this and not contributing to the discussion
Quote:I lied to my ex boyfriend and pretended to be a virgin when we had sex because I cheated on him a few days before and f'ed my hot friend.

The Titanic?


Me too.
Quote:Your ex must have been the all-time loser of losers Polly.
Put it like this, I'm so happy that I had sex with my friend because had he been my first, I'd have killed myself by now (seriously).
i'll bet buttmunch framed roger rabbit too
good reason, i guess. are you still friends with your hot friend, and how hot is he?
Nope, not still friends with him....I was 17 at the time, he was like 22....omg so hot.... :bow:
the nickname stuff before reminded me...more people call me "dingaling" on here than call me by an actual nickname among my friends
i adjust myself to much

i hooked up this past friday night
we slept together but no sex
very weird
but my confession is that i liked it

i bitch and moan about my job but the fact is i love where i am at right now

i luv snapple "real facts"
I'm getting a tatoo on Saturday....assuming I grow a pair...if my father finds out he'll kick me out.

I'm supposed to call someone today, but I'm waiting for them to call me....and everytime the phone rings I hope its them. Undecided
*Gasp* Buttmunch is the sniper!!! :crackhead: Where's my $500,000?

Nobody's ever given me a nickname.

I wish more people would post instead of lurking, are they afraid of us?

i was really serious about the slumber party thing...

I'm bored, someone IM me :bouncer: I wanna play Scrabble

Edited By Spitfire on 1035400642
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