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the maryland sniper thing wouldnt bother me if not for the fact that my best friend's sister lives down there, near all the shootings, and her brother is down there visiting her
moments like you catching that gap where the towers were are how i get affected by 9/11. i'll be staring at the skyline or something will remind me of a moment from that day that will catch me and make me feel sad. i think about that gap of time from when i wasnt sure if my girlfriend was ok cause she was downtown that day. theres those little things that jolt me back into that day.

back to the topic....

i want to be on the cover of rolling stone one day.
yeah, and they pulled the simpsons where homer's car get stolen and dropped at wtc plaza. wtf???
Quote:I think it's safe to say that i am the only one who got that reference Magoo

Quote:Maynard might have... and I'm positive Sluggo would get it (if he saw it).

Yeah, I got it. And I'm gonna tell Sluggo about it too.
Tell him what, that I like High Heels????
No, just tell him what you said.

Oh forget it.

Wanna come over and play Gran Tourismo?
What did I say??

Gran Turismo?? that's a bit dated, don't you think?? Now.. Twisted Metal Black....
I want to get GTA Vice comes out This week...I need a PS2 though...
Quote:I want to get GTA Vice comes out This week...I need a PS2 though...

You an me both! :-(
how much did ps2 drop in price? i'm working poor right now.
Quote:I want to get GTA Vice comes out This week...I need a PS2 though...

Actually it comes out next week but whose counting the days. 7...oh sorry
As far as not having a PS2. Sucks to be you. :lol:
My roommate preordered it though... :bouncer:
Still it is released on the 29th. Ships the 28th.
I no longer have the shits.
I feel a case of em coming on.
I think the Gaints should win just so Bonds gets a ring...
OK, I'll play a little.

I'm a very private person. I have a hard time sharing even with my best friends. The stuff i've putt out there on here is really nothing when you add it all up.
I have no emotional response whatsoever to death, even the deaths of people close to me. It bothers me terribly that I feel absolutely nothing. I feel bad for those that are mourning, and try to comfort them when I can, but I honestly do my best to avoid people who are in that state of grief. It feels so awkward to feel nothing while a friend of family member is in emotional pain that I actually feel guilty and can not think of anything heartfelt to say, so I stay away.

The odd thing is, and this may be the actual cause of my lack of feeling, I am horrified by thoughts of my own mortality. I can not fathom that at some point the essence of "me" will just stop. Death is the one thing that we can not possibly understand in our lives. There is no way to ever find out what truly happens when you die, until you actually do, and at that point it's not like you can share the information.
im in a state of shock...more suprised actually.

im going to see garbage and no doubt tomorrow.

i used to hate ron and fez..but they grew on me.

i went to the first o&a celebrity softball game with my mom.

i've never had a long term relationship.

i fuck everything up.

i think im too smart for my own good.

i miss someone...a lot.
I haven't been home since August 17 and I won't be back in NY till December 13...I miss NY
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