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im sick.

im kinda pissy cause someone won't talk to me about things.

im still giggling over scenes from jackass, which i saw last night.

people are annoying the ever living shit out of me today...i think its cause i get cranky when im sick.
hope ya feel better soon :-) :bouncer:
intead of watching the sopranos right now i'm watching angel Undecided :crackhead:
i didn't read the first 12 pages of this thread, or the last many of confessions 2.

i hate being sick.

i really really really want these shoes, but they dont have them in my size...nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh. i hate it when this happens.

these shoes are purdy ugly. red and pink. i like ugly shoes. see:

[Image: 29252044.jpg]
ooo neat :bouncer:

I'm watching HGTV
i fucking offically hate canada.

they are holding my shoes hostage for $132.00.

that is fucking insane! they are only about $65.
they dont sell those anywhere in our country? only in america jr?
you sure they arent the same price? isnt the canadian exchange rate like really high? :clueless:
they do sell them here....i just haven't found anywhere online that has them in my size.

i looked in some stores today, they didn't have them either.

i don't wanna go sheraching through all the malls.

noooooooooo i don't wanna.

yes, i am whining right now.

shoot me.


im still sick too :-(
sucks to be a giant...

cue midget joke
Quote:you sure they arent the same price? isnt the canadian exchange rate like really high?

im not a fucking idiot.
i got black adidas shell tops special ordered even though white look better with jeans because i had to have them and would have whined if i didnt.

Quote:im not a fucking idiot.
Undecided sorry. i'll go away now.

Edited By Hybrid on 1035772456
suuuuuuuuure poke fun at my giant sized feet.

i hate you.

they are only a size 10..which an 8 in mens....
these are my shoes... except i wear them with the beige laces, not black
[Image: 40013901.jpg]
Quote:i hate you.
thats nothing new

only an 8? you can borrow a pair of my shoes, then...
fbd has midget feet :lol:
i've been waiting 5 minutes for a midget joke..
Quote:sorry. i'll go away now.

i warned you i am cranky when i am sick.

i sorry. just ignore me.

dingaling has small feet...know what that means...
small socks
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