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My career peaked two years ago and I'll never make as much money in a three year span as I did in 2000

When we have to write up answers to cases on companies, and I go on the Internet and find what the company did, or what the case answer is and then write my paper accordingly.

I despise dancing, yet the girl I'm going out with LOVES it, and is from Miami. If she could, she'd go dancing for 5 hours every weekend night. Now that she's with me, she doesn't dance. I've offered, but she knows I hate it, and so we don't. I think when we break up, that will be the underlying reason.

I like OAS even less after his repeated attempts to ruin these threads, and not adding anything of substance once. Just annoying wise-ass comments, and tired attempts to pick up the women of the board.

I am insanely obsessed with my personal odor and the color of my teeth. No matter how much deodorant I use or how much I brush, I still think that I smell. I've even had my teeth professionally whitened by a burning laser a few years ago, and I cut my armpit hair so there's less hair for the stink to stick to.

I never played little league. I wish I had. I think I would have been good. Because now, when I play softball, I whale the shit out of the thing and I have a good arm. But I was too much of a pussy to try out because I was afraid that I wouldn't be good, people wouldn't like me, blah blah blah.

I didn't masturbate until my 16th birthday

My nickname is "Jism"

My favorite smell in the world is her smell on my pillow the morning after a girl sleeps over the first time.

I'm not going to say what made me think less of people obviously. It's nothing major, but come one, I can't be the only one making value judgments here. 50 pages of confessions, obviously I'm not the only one saying "Holy shit! What is going on inside that head", "God, I'm glad that's not me", "What a loser". I haven't reacted that way often, and now I wish I hadn't said it, but it's something that I normally wouldn't say, and here's the thread to say it in. Just ignore me and my judgements, I rarely make them public, and never hold them over.
Quote::adding up the minutes from all the times I've talked to Amy:
Christ dude, you think that's bad, she must be able to draw an accurate map of my crotch by now, as much as we hang out.

The people I mentioned in my last confession, the ones I want to get closer to..... I want to tell them but I don't want that closeness to be forced. I don't know how to make it just... happen.

I knew nothing of Maynard's new love until this series of threads, and I still know nothing more than my own speculation.

I am not dating Amy, bastards. And we never could date. Our friendship is too close, truly like siblings, it'd be too weird to date, but I hope she never goes away.

I wish I had more friends I could talk to as freely as I do with her. Currently there are no others.
I think that Maynard and Pollyana are dating, and there posts were very qute and romantic ways for them to secretly but openly let each one how much they actually care for the other.
Galt....that explained it perfectly. No need to elaborate any further. (I mean this in response to you'e saying who you're disgusted at)

FTL....if you want to get closer to certain people, just IM them and talk. But don't try and force it. If you don't make the first move, theres no way they could possibly know.

Edited By Maynard on 1035486465
I am surprised that Galt cried on 9/11
to add to FTL's confession...
i consider FTL my best friend out of anyone i know. we share a brain i swear. im glad ive become closer to him over the past year. he is truly still and will always be my knight and shining armor. :loveya:

but yeah we arent going out even though it might seem like it, too weird.
Do you at least give him hummers Amy?
No she doesn't, and based on the Strawberry Theorem, she fucking owes me a lot of them.
I edited my post. No, it's not Polly Galt.

I've only met her once, and she won't allow me to talk about that night. :lol:
i dont feel like giving weird head, sorry
i admire galt. he's honest. and that is what i like about threads like this. i can't say i think less of people here, but it is nice (for lack of a better word) to see that most of us have similar problems.

i regret my being a dick over the last couple of days. flame me all you want, but the number it's doing to my insides is enough. guilt is a dangerous weapon. ask my mom.

i confess that i like most of the people here,and most of what i say, outside of this thread, is more knee-jerk reactionary stuff, and has no substance. i'm really not that big of a creep.

go galt.
I planned the Lufthansa heist.
Quote:My favorite smell in the world is her smell on my pillow the morning after a girl sleeps over the first time.

wbk, you a 'cuse kid?
if by cuse kid you mean, father and grandfather went there, and a really big fan of the teams, and hope to go there next year, then yeah, im a cuse kid.
following mcnabb, huh?
I owe this to Galt.

I confess that I see no value to confess anything of substance about myself on a message board but to make you happy allow me to proceed.

I do not hit on women on this board or on the only other one I have ever been on. I do not have AIM because I see no enjoyment in cyber talk. I have exchanged some personal dialog with a total of three people that have ever been on this board. Two women, one male. I value the open honesty I have shared with those three. I have done some friendly flirting with the two women, all in fun, all part of the overall trust shared. None of them have ever felt threatened.

I am a very private person. I have done things in my life that I am sorry I had to do. I have taken the life of other human beings in the sake of defending freedom. I cannot talk about the specifics, one person that is here occassionaly understands why. It is not in the war most of you think it was. I have watched a mission fail in disaster from the ground, with blood splattered on my uniform as I watched my countrymen die in vain and as America woke up to witness one of it's darkest hours.

I have consulted with and to this day on occassion consult with people in high places. I have been in the west wing on several occassions. I have delt face to face with an Islamic enemylong before most of you even knew that the Muslim fanatic wants to destroy us.

Having said all this, I choose to hang here with people I enjoy hanging with and I choose not to add value just because a person whom has no clue as to who I am or what I am about feels he doesn't need to repect me. I don't come here for your respect. I come here to have fun. My respect has been satisfied a long time ago in my life. Thanks for asking.

Now, where did those white women go?
i can't wait for the next time i smoke some greeen

Galt's consistent bashing of OAS is getting old very quick

I smoked some green last night. :-)

I got a 1/4 and it was one huge bud. It looked like poop in a ziploc. actually it was mostly brown and moist. :fuggin:
brown! for shame!

I'm picking up some greenage tonight :bouncer:

If someone hits on me and it bothers me, they'll fucking know it :burnfucker:

oh, and I still talk to Grumpy. Off the message boards, he's a really nice guy.
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Edited By Spitfire on 1035491564
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