Full Version: Childhood pic of the sniper just released
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[Image: busted.jpg]
Who the fuck let the canuck in?
:disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed:
[Image: Jake.jpg]
At least he's not dressed in a bunny suit.
Hey. No nudity in The Pit. However hot it might be.
Look at jack flex his asst. admin. muscles! :bow:

edit : oops, wrong title - heh

Edited By goatweed on 1035475891
Now they are saying that the 17 yr old was the shooter....
and you couldn't put this in your other thread because...?
Quote:[Image: busted.jpg]
BUTTWHEAT DID IT???????????? :lol:
Figures it's always the darkies causing trouble. Only a spook would get caught sleeping behind the wheel.
Despite flashes of brilliance the snipers in the end were typical lazy negros and we should all thank God for that.
[Image: times33.jpg]
Umember me? I'm Bu'wheat.
And I have compied po you a compexion of my pabowit tongs.
Take a wisten!

Wookin' Pah nub in aw da wong paces
Wookin' Pah Nub!!....

Unce, Tice....
Fee tines a mayday!!......

Ooona Panoona Baaanka!!!....

Hady ti
ba didy ti she dot
Beddy daby eye....

I'm da baber a debille!
Begarow! Begarow!!
I'm da baba ob sebille