when stuff pisses you off do you let it out, or bottle it up. what do you do when you're just stressed or mad about something, do you deal in a healthy way or a destructive way?
when i used to live in florida i'd go down to the pool and swim laps, that always helped. or play some loud music and clean or something. now i find it helps to put on my walkman and take a walk down to the park by the river.
sometimes i break stuff, i know, not very constructive but it's a good release, i'm running out of glasses though

Really loud music... angry stuff when I'm pissed and sad stuff when I'm depressed.
Oh, and getting on the computer also takes me away from the real world. Kinda sucks when the computer world is the world causing me pain though, that shit's hard to get rid of... sometimes I will just throw on my away message, pump some music, and try to make it go away by doing something that works my brain.
video games
making people feel as shitty as i do
if i'm actually cleaning then that means i'm really pissed off or frustrated at something. rarely happens though. usually its something petty and i just bitch and moan about it to someone
i do that too hedcold. i once rearranged my entire bedroom. that was a dumb move seeing as i had no help moving things. :crackhead:
if things keep going a certain way i think tomorrow my side of the room will be spotless :thumbs-up:
The gym. You can take all that frustration from shit that goes wrong and put it into working out...
works for me, anyway :-D
i'm the type of person that bottles it up.... lets it accumulate, and THEN lets it out. I drive fast. I pump up the loudest, angriest music I can.. usually tool or old soundgarden. I wouldn't say that it's neccesarily a constructive way to deal in terms of bottling things up, because sometimes it brings out the worst in me.
When I'm sad, I'll pick up my guitar and let it out. Sad is easier to deal with than angry for me.
I use drugs to escape the pain and torment in my life. Works well for me.
Growing up i would always break shit. Punch holes in walls and doors etc. One time i ripped a door clean off the hinges and then smashed it into pieces all over the floor. Not thinking that im gonna have to clean all this shit up.lol. I passed that phase thankfully. To many broken fingers and hands. Now i drink a beer and put some music on.
i think i'm still in the punching phase

Punching your peesh doesnt count.
what about my door and the wall? :-(
I've always just pissed, moaned and took it out on everyone else for the rest of the day. Either that or just blast my music fucking loud and zone out.
...I post on message boards...
Quote:video games
making people feel as shitty as i do
ill also beat the shit out of inanimate objects...in the past few years i have:
- thrown a silly slammer and put a hole in my wall.
- shattered a pack of lifesavers against a dresser. i had to clean up roughly 1 million pieces of hard candy afterwards
- picked up a remote control, started a pitching like motion, then realized what i was doing, and put it down gently (about 10x)
- smacked a cheap street hockey stick 10 ten times against my bed, then snapped it over my knee. that hurt.