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I've never had crx :clueless:
Quote:only took you one page to steal that joke.

I made it funnier
it wasnt that funny either time :-p
I'm sure theres a bunch of things I haven't done, but things I want to do that I haven't are
Meet my brother and sister
Go to Australia
Hang glide
Ride in a helicopter
I've never had an anal threesome while drinking Kool Aid in a freefall from a plane over a strip club in Canada.

I'm fuckin' sheltered...
grape or cherry kool aid?
I have never been a Mod. Confusedneak:

Stop posting under my name and causing trouble!
I've never seen an episode of Miami Vice or L.A. Law.
I've never been on stilts.
And I've never been stuck in quicksand.

I think that's about it.
I have never gotten married
I have never been skiing (water or snow)
I have never watched porn with my girlfriend
I have never broken a promise
Commendable if true, Slug.

Rape made a good point...hmmm, things I haven't done but want to:
Fly a helicopter.
Own a handgun.
Worn a really well-cut suit.
Kool-Aid is good to use to dye your hair
I've never gotten a speeding ticket
I've never had sushi
I've never gotten an F
I've never rode on a motorcycle
but make sure you use the no sugar kind :thumbs-up:

manic panic is better
I always wanted purple hair :thumbs-up:

Kim, what have you done? Undecided
Speed to work tommorow, and cut off the first cop you see :bouncer:
it'll be fun & different

I've never eaten bugs
I've never fired a gun (want to)
I've never carried a concealed weapon
I've never transported drugs across state lines
... then again I get nervous stealing lipstick, so maybe I'll never do those last few ... sometimes it's just too expensive, and I have to on principle :crackhead:
Quote:Kim, what have you done?

Pat Cooper.
I have never been old.
I'm still young so there is still time to expirement :-D
Quote:I've never eaten bugs

you only think this is true, ladi...
read the first post

now i guess you'll have to start selling drugs in anther state, too.
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