Full Version: Bloody motherfuckin anus!!
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Confuseduicide: <---me if Bloody anus didn't post in this thread. whew.

anyone buy any new t-shirts lately?
Rolleyes you know, now your just posting way too much.....
Quote: Confuseduicide: <---me if Bloody anus didn't post in this thread. whew.
nice going there anus :thumbs-up:
anus couldnt just wait another day or so to post...
:bouncer: yay!!! you're here!!!!! Yayyyyyy!!!!!
I've been known to love a bloody anus.
Ahh, the genius that is Bloody Anus has arrived. This makes me the happiest of men. The more Bloody Anus posts, the more I'll post. I would follow that man into the gates of Hell.


[Image: wave.gif]
his genius continues!!!!
just when you think its over, another gem!! when will this golden age come to an end?!!
Hi! :lookatme:
They'll forget about you soon enough. It's all wine and roses and hello threads when you arrive, then soon enough you're banished to the underground forum to lurk in the shadows. See you there.
the underground forum scares me.
now we're chock full o' bloody anal insight. rave on.
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