What pisses you off, here's a few things that get me going:
Cops that use cell phones while driving.
Not using the turn signal.
When cops blow red lights, because they can.
Assholes who double park, especially trucks.
Delivery trucks who expect you to move your car or truck for them when they deliver.Lazy bastards ever hear of hand trucks???
Thats all for now, I'll get back to you on any more I may have. :bouncer: :bouncer:
GET FUCKING PISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
![[Image: capt.1036003750.migrants_ashore_mh108.jpg]](http://us.news2.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/p/ap/20021030/capt.1036003750.migrants_ashore_mh108.jpg)
Old people who don't know how to drive for shit.
Parent's who drive like assholes with their kid's in the car.
People who still don't have a hands free headset for there god Damn cell phones.
Cops or anybody who thinks they are above the law.
Insurance company's and/or nameless faceless corporations.
Stupid people.
Parents who cant control their kids in public
Bad drivers...Period
Fat Fucks who try and squeeze in the seat next too you on the bus or train
Anyone using a cell phone when driving.
Anyone in front of me when I am driving.
Anyone on the road when I am driving.
Nothing good on the radio when I am driving.
I am starting to see a pattern here.
stubbing my toe in the middle of the night. thats about it. oh, and people, yes, people piss me off!
Quote:Fat Fucks who try and squeeze in the seat next too you on the bus or train
Ditto...especially if they have that scent that is like somehow the odor of only obese people....wtf is that??
Usually i dont notice the stink. The buses and trains here in new york stink anyway.
I get stuck with the ones who have 3 kids and they are dancing all around the train or the ones who let their kids sit on their laps and the whole ride the fucking kid is kicking my leg.
The other day this beast of a woman sat down next to me on the bus and almost popped me out of the seat so I stomped on her foot with my heel since I had stilettos on....she gave me the look of death...I wanted to kill her...why don't they understand they don't fit?!
I hate people who call just to say hi and then hang up.
i hate people who make promises, dont keep them, and then get angry at the people they broke the promise too as a way to deflect the blame from themselves. :-p
I effing hate all Insurance companies, but health insurance is the worst. 785 bucks a month, holy shit, how are you supposed to afford that.
How about the insurance companies lobby for higher limits, then you get the notice. According to NYS law your rates are going up.If you never opened your mouth we would be OK.
I fucking hate inconsistent drug dealers. Total fucking slime that take advantage of others needs.
EDIT: I hate this faggot as well
Youll hate him even more if you
read this.

Edited By Fast Freddy on 1036187461
Like we didn't already know he was a "buttman".
And what kind of a homo says a "canibus cigar"?
Quote:he was a "buttman".
He's a proctologist?
![[Image: bigfinger.jpg]](http://www.lukalips.com/images/drawings/bigfinger.jpg)
I fucking hate people that ONLY use speakerphones, especially in the office. Gah Damn, pick up the fucking receiver once in a while so I don't have to listen to your stupid inane shopping conversations...ya fat twat!!! :twak: