Full Version: So i went to 7.11 this morning.... - Part 3
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Quote:i think i was 5 when the girls in buttmunches sigs had those pictures taken
So they're two years older now.

Big deal.
oh i get it, i'm 7
haha I get it too. It's simple math really.
Quote:coffee makes me poop..........a lot

Me too sometimes...and then I hold it in all day and feel like my belly is going to implode!

Yeah I am gonna trust your opinion on something, go hold your shit in, freak.
Quote:Yeah I am gonna trust your opinion on something, go hold your shit in, freak.

I don't poop unless its in my bowl....I can't be the only one...I held in poop for a whole weekend once.....that hurt.
Quote:I held in poop for a whole weekend once.....that hurt.

Your opinion means less and less to me. Go watch some granny porn and burn a house down.
she's worse than me :thumbs-up:
Quote:Go watch some granny porn

Oooh I just got a cable modem...I should look for that on Kazaa
You have officially reached the, 'your opinion is meaningless' stage now.
I've never seen real granny porn before...I wonder if I'll go blind...
This thread is disgusting
Much like the blueberry of your coffee.....
Blueberry coffee is great

This thread should be deleted for besmirching its good name

But Mr. LaDeeDa has to go take his fancy tests
You'd probably drink dingleberry coffee if 7-11 marketed it properly :disappointed:
Yes, because the Blueberry coffee is marketed Rolleyes
If it were in the blueberry coffee pot, you'd happily pour away........caffeine sheep that you are.
no coffee today
but i did poop
a good one too
with an easy wiping
I've been drinking Blueberry ice-tea like it's going out of style .... I think it's something in the Blueberry!! :bouncer:
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