Full Version: New camel cigarettes - maymay can't spell
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Anyone try these yet? The "special" blends?

I wanna try them, but don't wanna waste my money if they taste like Turkish ass.

They have a few citrus ones, and a chocolate mint one.
Gotta hand it to Camel. Making smoking fun for kids again. :thumbs-up:
Let me know when they make a blueberry one.
ok, it took me a moment, didn't know if you misspelled salem or camel Rolleyes

i tried a menthol camel at 7b a few months ago, i don't usually like menthols but it was actually kind of tasty.
How can cigarettes be tasty?
by adding flavor to them.
Only kind of cigarettes I like are candy ones :thumbs-up:
Psssst....tricia....could you fix it for me? :-)
Quote:Psssst....tricia....could you fix it for me?
Quote:New calem cigarettes
Quote:New calem cigarettes
Quote:New calem cigarettes
Quote:New calem cigarettes
Quote:New calem cigarettes
i dunno, can i?

hey, look at that, i can :thumbs-up:

Edited By crx girl on 1036443533
wow, maynard needs spelling lessons
You can all eat my ass. I was typing fast and didn't check the title.

So fuckin shoot me.
Quote:if they taste like Turkish ass.
just ask cls
They still taste like ass....Camel ass. Throw a hershey bar in an ash tray... that's what it tastes like.

I need to quit soon.

Edited By ClusterF@#$ on 1036521148
Quote:So fuckin shoot me.
i have been waiting for that invite for so long now. :bouncer:
You gonna shoot me with your Lousiville?
at least ken could spell it :rofl:

My fingers aren't working properly the last few days. :-(
don't tell your chick

I've tried the honey cigarettes, but I never really taste the difference
i used to smoke buzz vanilla cigarettes, they didn't really taste overly different, but the smell was a lot more pleasant. and they had these cool multicoloured filters :thumbs-up:
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