I bought this laptop about 2 years ago. Perfect working condition, brand new.
Move in with roommates, no sign of damage to laptop, about 5 months later, one hinge breaks, then the other one. Laptop is in the living room for anyones use. They use it constantly, especially on sunday to check fantasy and one roommate uses it to keep his books for gambling.
They think since the laptop is mine I should pay half and the other 2 roommates pay 1/4.
Is this fair or should each one of us pay equally, 1/3 the bill which was $300.
You make the call.
300 bucks to fix the hinges? why did i get a laptop? :crackhead:
i say they should pay at least a third each. it's your laptop, you don't have to let them use it, they should be offering to pay all of it.
The room-mates should split the cost between themselves. No cost to you do to the fact that you paid for it first.
complete split, 1/3. its yours, and you let them use it, so they should have to pay just as much as you, or else you just take their toy away and use it yourself. threats=cash
You're talking about a difference of 25 bucks for them, or 50 bucks for you.
1/3 a piece.
i didnt realize how unreasonable they are being. i though at least one person would take their side but now i'm even more determined to stick to my guns and make them each pay 1/3 equally along with me.
Fuck it, they want equal rights to use it, make 'em pay. One of them is making money running books off your comp, he should be able to cover the difference.
that will be the dealbreaker, once they find out they can't use it anymore, they will pay up.
you think they won't pay an extra $25 instead of $1000+ to get their own? forget it.
Edited By Keyser Soze on 1036449418
I'll side with the roomates. It's your equipment, you made the choice to put it in the living room, you should pay the majority.
this house is filled with shared items, everyone put something of their own here for everyones use. you think they wouldnt make us all pay equally for the repair of something of theirs that broke that is free for everyone to use?
the tv upstairs is not mine, if it broke i would pay an equal amount among the roommates to repair it.
maybe you should pull an elvis and shoot the tv
dude i think you should catch that owl on your roof and sell it. it's probably endangered or something! :-p
you're gonna have to put sanctions on the stuff you own... and you might have to set up a no-walk zone... and make sure that you get those inspectors in there to make sure they are not developing nuclear weapons to get back at you...
Quote:you think they wouldnt make us all pay equally for the repair of something of theirs that broke that is free for everyone to use?
No, because I think you'd (rightfully) throw this incident right in their faces.
i feel justified now, thank you
Edited By Keyser Soze on 1036453865
i say pay for it yourself and don't let them touch it again. if they want a computer to use they can buy their own.
i just might do that, if i let them pay they will feel entitled to it as if they owned it.
Pay for it yourself and don't let them use it again. If they didn't offer to split 3 ways after you let them use it, fuck them. I could have had it repaired for you for much less than $300.
Take it to Judge Judy since you ain't man enough to smack some bitches up for your money. She'll be enough man for the both of you.
i had sony repair it, you do laptop repairs OAS?