Full Version: New button at the top
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Before the rumors start flying, here is the story behind the new button at the top:

Gonzo is paying for the server space that houses this site out of his own pocket every month. Some of you may already know that he is out of work and has been for some time. He was afraid to ask for help because he did not want to seem like Froy.

I am asking for some help. I do not want to see this site shut down because it cannot be afforded. Gonzo went as far as paying the server bill instead of paying his phone bill, so now he has no phone. As much as I know he loves this site, He will not be able to pay for it forever without a job.

The account is a paypal account that Gonzo set up a while back. We are not asking for large somes of money. $1.00 from every 1 of our 229 members sets this server up for 3 months. The server runs: 75.00 per moth and you can verify it yourself at this link.

Once we have enough to run the site for 3 months the button will be taken down. We do not however, want you to feel pressured to donate, so donations will be kept private. Anyone disclosing how much they donated will be put in the cell immediately and the mods will discuss allowing you back on the site. We do not want one person or persons gloating over another who may not have had the means to donate or who did not wish to donate. That is not what this is about.
Umm I honestly dunno what to say, I just got home from school and saw this. I was not prepared for this nor do I really know what to say. I wanted to go about this another way but what can I say.

We were working on a front page for the site with a lot of nice features as well as a chat room. Plus I wanted to discuss (and might as well now). A bowling tournament which I spoke to a few of you about.

Sean and I wanted to do a bowling tournament on but it never came to fruitition cause froy shot it down, I told many of you the story. Anyway a few of you have asked if we are having a holiday party and I wanna do a bowling tournament.

I talked to a few people and I get the feeling mid-late december is good for most. I don't have an exact date yet, the event would be held in manhatten, for convenience. The cost will be handled in the following, we get a set number of players, find out how much it costs and split it amongst the players. So people who are not playing won't have to pay. I think that sounds fair. We can do payment at the premises or you can send yours ahead through the paypal thing at the top.

I honestly wish this didn't have to come off this way, once I get a job which should be soon trust me I got no problem paying for it, just need some help for now. No one is being forced to donate just whatever you can if you want. The college I am goin to is gonna set me up with a part time job, only problem is I will be going to school afternoons and working nights probably, so I won't be on the board pretty much except for weekends.

That's all I got to add.
well, i think jack's pretty much covered everything there. gonzo didn't want to ask anyone for money, but when it gets to the point that he's making personal sacrifices for your board, well, it can't hurt. again, nobody should feel pressured to give, but if you can and you want to, a couple bucks from a lot of people could make a Hell of a difference. :thumbs-up:
Sorry my thoughts came off a little muddled, I just really wasn't expecting this and I felt I had to say something. I'm just a bit tired from the placement tests and registrations and all that shit today. I'll go into further depth on the bowling tournament tommorow in a different post.
it's ok honey, have some cold hot tea and unwind :loveya:
Quote:cold hot tea
:clueless: clashes with the motif of the website...
Is there any way to donate other than through PayPal?
Yes I know the button is obtrusive... it will be replaced soon enough with a matching button.
Since you complained about the button I'm complaining about your sig


I refuse to look at a red x, it's beneath me
That's better
.... and I didn't even do anything...
Donations?? I thought it was the trash!

Anyhow, lets do what we can to keep this bad boy running. A buck or two isn't much to ask and it goes a long way to keeping the enjoyment of this place going. Thanks for your support.
I just wanna say thanks, for understanding. I feel bad to have to ask but most importantly to me was for you all to understand.. cool.
Hey, since we all get something out of this place, we should kick a little back...
Quote:I feel bad to have to ask

Why? We're all buddies here. Smile
Don't feel bad, you paid up to this point. You're a better man than I am, I would have a hard time laying out $75 every month out of the kindness of my heart. Its only right that everyone kicks in since we all use it.
To show my gratitude and graciousness I will no longer require payment to be a member here, "Buddies".
about time you put that thing up
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