Arthur Dent as many of you may notice is not here, he is away on business in LA. He contacted us to tell us how he is spending his time there and like a good mod he is thinking of the board. He found the hustler store out there and felt inspired. He wanted us to start a contest and the big grand prize is gonna be a shirt from the hustler store bought by our very own dent, I think it is a nice gesture.
This is what dent said... yes I am leaking Mod info, ban me.
Quote:Here's the deal. I'm in LA for 2 more weeks.
Today, I found the Hustler store on Sunrise Blvd. They've got some really cool T-shirts that would make a great contest prize and I'm willing to pick one up.
They've got everything from ones that just say "Hustler Hollywood" on them to pics of women like Betty Page and more modern models, to off-color sayings. Stuff like "Blue balls are a Boys Problem" to "I'm not useless. Use me for blowjob practice".
Dent came up with a contest idea, I know it's been done before but it has been a while and we have a few new people here.
So the contest is "write an obituary for another member."
If someone can find the obituary thread we did here, it might give others some inspiration.
The contest ends sunday night cause dent has to pick the shirt up by tuesday, he will need the info as far as if the winner is a guy or girl and what size.
He gave a site to have a looksee at.
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Have fun.
oh that dent!! what a card!!
Quote:Took me 20 minutes to find it
That's because you suck
Here lies Maynard. maynard died in what can only be termed as a self inflicted wound. maynard was riding his bike to pick up a bootleg copy of the new QOTSA video from a "friends" house. while fussing with his pink bike shorts he didnt realize that his squirrel had come unfurled. the squirrel became caught in the wheels of his bike which subsequently snapped his twig like neck. a witness as the scene said that maynard's last words were, "tell sean i always loved him". due to the lack of a will, all maynard's possessions: his bike, an extra pack of inner tubes, his squrrel comb , and the 400 8x10 glossies of Dave Grohl, will all be given to his ex-wife. Funeral services will be held tommorrow at the lunch counter of your choice.
a voice from the grave! OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!! eerie!
Quote:maynard was riding his bike
:rofl: :rofl:
Adolecent Masturbator. His naked remains were found among the charred ramnants of a bath towel wrapped around his cock. Apparrently he was performing some sick method of masturbation and the friction caused the towel to set fire. It appears that he tried to contain the fire but once it made its way towards his copy of The Anarcists Cookbook the entire room set ablaze. He leaves his collection or Warez and serial numbers for every software application ever created to Sephorith.
VG died today peacefully in her sleep. The cause of death was being suffocated by her own huge tits. She always complained they got in the way, guess in the end VG didn't win.
Maynard died when his heart gave up on him alone in his home several weeks ago. Apparently in a very emotional state, he began to recognize all the beauty in this world and how sometimes his heart filled up like a balloon that was about to burst. And then it did. Nobody in his buddy list even noticed that he hadn't been online in awhile. It wasn't until the mailman stopped off to deliver a package, peaked in the window, and spotted a decomposing Maynard on the floor in front of his TV on which a loop of some footage of a dancing plastic bag was seen.
Fellow CDIH members apologetically topped his "What if I died" thread with a resounding "Oops!"
Arthur Dent was found dead today at the Hustler store on Sunrise Blvd. He got so confused trying to pick out just one shirt his brain exploded.
A man was shot and killed today during of an ongoing 96 hour car chase.
4 days ago The man, who police have only referred to as "Danked", apparently suffering under the throws of a cannibus and sleep-deprivation induced psychotic episode, leapt from his office cubicle shouting "No Florida Retard Jacks Tommy Vercetti!!" witnesses claim. He then proceeded to dash out of his workplace at frenzied speeds on foot.
One coworker stated: "We knew he was losing it when he came in in a cheesey Hawaiin Tee-Shirt and those DATED acid-washed jeans that morning!"
"Danked" ran up to the first car he spotted, broke into it and hotwired it, then sped to his home. Fortunately it was his car.
For the next four days neighbors state the sounds of multiple gunshots, explosions, and sirens, could be clearly heard coming from inside the victim's abode, mixed together with "Sister Christian", "Billy Jean", "Two Minutes to Midnight" and other similarly dated music. Clearly the victim was suffering from some sort of drug induced regressive flashback.
Earlier this afternoon a man broke into "Danked"'s home and promptly shot him. The police have the perpetrator in custody. Asides from revealing that the suspect is refering to himself as "Sonny Forelli", the police say they have positively identified the individual, but have only released his first name, "Lord". Full details will be disclosed later, stated a detective on the scene.
Danked leaves behind several bongs (most of which are to be delivered to someone named "Spit") a large collection of Tommy Chong memorabilia to be donated to charity, and several bags of seeds to be distributive freely to anyone of entepenuerial incentive.....
Police note that the car chase has merely been "paused".
(ok.. so it's an article not an obit, but that's all you guys have been posting anyway, so pbbbbbth!!)
Bravo, motherfucker. :rofl:
Thank you! Thank you!! ::bows::
Quote:witness as the scene said that maynard's last words were, "tell sean i always loved him".
OMG!!!! Arpi made me laugh!!!!!!!!! :rofl: