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I've just come from the hospital. Watching my girlfriends' mother slowly succumb to this disease. It's bad enough her father was close to death because of cancer. Now it has taken her mother. It took my uncle around this time last year and it almost killed my mother too. Thankfully she beat it and is recovering. Aside from this FU I also want to say thank you to my friends for the support over the past few months. I didn't get the chance to say goodbye to my girlfriends mom. Gang, take the opportunity tonight or today to hug someone close to you, tell them you love them, and let the stupid shit slide. And that's it.....
Dude, most people here know that I lost my father to that miserable fucking disease less than a year ago. FUCK CANCER!!!!! :fuckoff:
I feel for you man. It sucks and I am sorry. My mother-in-law has lymph node cancer for over a year now. Right now things are stable, no improvemnt and has not gotten worse in a while but it did spread. It is killing my wife knowing her mother could die at anytime.
My mom luckily is beating the lymph node cancer...The best thing to come out of this whole situation is that her mom went quickly and peacefully.
cancer sucks, i've lost some close friends and family to it.
The big C, sucks the dick!

:fuckoff: cancer
Dude that is not even funny. You did not see anyone say they were on their 10th miscarriage, so no dana is not here.
Quote:Dude that is not even funny.

Yes it is.
It was a little funny. But cancer does suck. Got my grandpa.
a good buddy of mine has colon cancer. he's doing ok now that he has had more than half of his guts removed. i watched him go from 190lbs to 135 in no time at all. "the big casino" stinks!!!!!!
Jimmy, I can't tell you how sorry I am to hear about your loss.... ::hug::

I was just going to post my own FU.....this week I got the results of my first biopsy....malignant....
My doctor took another tissue sample and is retesting....he says I'm way too young for cancer....
Shitty. Best of luck. Truly.
Good luck Jinny, If they get it early you'll be fine. They got mine early, and I'm fine. 8 years clean. Still haven't seen your face.
Painter..... :-)
Jinny I wish you the best of luck. Painter I see why you were laughing at it because you beat it, but it was still not a cool thing to say. It's still not good if you don't get it early and it spreads though
That's what happened to my girlfriends mom. They thought they had it, removed some tumors and it just took off....spread just about everywhere. Also IMHO, stay out of Sloan Kettering. These people don't seem to be as good at treating cancer as they make themselves out to be. Only 1 in 3 people I know(girlfriends' mom, dad, and my uncle) that have been treated there are actually beating their diseases. And Jinny, you are in my thoughts. Let me know how things turn out and if I can be of help to you.
Ya gotta die of something.
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