Full Version: Bowling tournament sign up.
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Or, you could just pretend the weight of the ball is the age, and you could have a foursome with some 15 or 16 year olds OAS......
Nope, those 16 and 15 year olds will have to wait 2 to 3 years.
right, they need their liscense first, so they can drive alllll the way out there
Quote:1. annoy jersey teens
2. roll into town and fuck women?

Don't forget

3. Morning Fix
Or you could take your chats to another thread, I am trying to read peoples opinions here not how great vice city and 80's music is.
you forgot the "DO NOT DEFILE ARRRGGGHH!!!!" in the opening post

Edited By HedCold on 1036690262
Quote:Or you could take your chats to another thread, I am trying to read peoples opinions here not how great vice city and 80's music is.

Since when is a thread immune from being defiled?

I never got the memo
I would think I wouldn't have to say it. I am trying to get peoples opinions and when they see a thread being defiled they don't feel like posting it cause it will go unnoticed, then I have to sit here and sift through all these posts, there are enough posts to defile here.
Quote:I would think I wouldn't have to say it.
its your own fault really. :-p
Ok I will learn from the error of my ways since people don't have common sense.
Quote:Please discuss any thoughts or feelings.

First post, you didn't specify that the feelings and thoughts had to be only about Bowling

But back on topic
Quote:First post, you didn't specify that the feelings and thoughts had to be only about Bowling

Cause I didn't think I'd have to explain it to you like a 3 year old. That's something arpi would point out on a technicality, you're doin well for yourself.
Where in NY would the bowling be?
I have no problems going anywhere in NJ, but as soon as I cross the River ... it's all scary & the Rds are different. :crackhead:
I answered the topic seriously :thumbs-up:
Quote:That's something arpi would point out on a technicality, you're doin well for yourself.

You have some sort of fascination with Arpi, you keep comparing me to him
I should decpatitate you and bowl with your head.
Is that something Arpi would do?
You tell me since you emulate him.
I do? I hadn't noticed

But you being his biggest fan picked up on it right away
You're impression is getting better with every post.
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