Full Version: I'm out of reefer!!!
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Keyser brings home strippers and bangs them. hard.
thats when the herp acts up. hard.
and then OH NOES!!!1 skanky stripper babies. hard.
i started some fun. hard.
the sky tonight was indigo blue :fuggin: hard!
ladi said hard. weeeeeee! hard.
I made everyone hard! :bouncer: :bouncer:

Oh yeah. I got some reefers too! Confusedmokey: Confusedmokey:

But it's not the Durbin Poison.
it is now 52 degrees in Paris
81 in Cape Town
& 90 in Sydney :thumbs-up:
i'm smoking a bowl right now. hard. :fuggin:
it was just that one time, but i did fuck them, two at a time. hard.
Quote:but i did fuck them, two at a time
wow, you learn something new everyday ... keyser has 2 dicks .... could it be the one on his shoulders, and that other one? ;-) :loveya:
Quote:i did fuck them, two at a time.

Keyser always wanted to be like Fredo, bangin cocktail waitresses two at a time.
Quote:i'm smoking a bowl right now.
Wake and Bake? But it's noon. :lol: hard.
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