Full Version: Happy tummy time!!!!!
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i just ate an oreo ice cream sandwich and i feel great!!

[Image: oreoicecream.jpg]
i've been eating slim jims and granola bars for the past hour. i dont feel so good. Undecided
have an oreo ice cream bar. its good for what ails ya!
maybe next time i go to the store. i'm gonna go get some chicken salad at the food court soon. i love chicken salad. :thumbs-up:
I ate half of that ham & cheese wrap with the cranberry mayo on it. It was yummy, but it got all mushy over the course of the day. :-(
Quote:its good for what ails ya!
I thought raspberry jam was the cure-all food?
mmm oreo ice cream bars.
when i was in florida(WEEEEEEEEE! FLORDIA ROCKS:lolSmile 2 summers ago i had one for the first time....amazing. i think we ate 10 each when we were all stoned and shit...good times :thumbs-up:
good eatin and good for ya!
i'm trying to decide between tomato soup or hot pockets mini pizza rolls. i'll probably end up eating both :fuggin:
now i want one. but mmmm oreo goodness.
i got my chicken salad. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
i miss my free chicken salad from work Sad
The M & M Ice cream sandwiches kick ass. I am hooked on those.
my sandwich is perfect too. mmmmmmmm with lettuce.[Image: emot-keke.gif]
I never saw an Oreo ice cream sandwhich....but the Oreo madness from Friday's is mmmm mmmmm good :loveya:
Quote:stoned and shit

That does'nt sound like a very appealing combo to me
THat post was subpar
your momma is subpar
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