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Everyday should be jack appreciation day.

But I declare all of next week to be jack appreciation week.

Jack does so much and asks for so little, I appreciate his work and think he is the bestest.
Just no I love teh Jack sig pics please.
Thanks Jack. :thumbs-up:

Now go out and get laid. :fucking:
If by "Jack appreciation week", you mean "Sleeper appreciation week", I'm all for it!!
I appreciate jack like I appreciate genital warts.

No offense, jack :-D
Appreciate Jack, Damn you!!!!!!!
I would appreciate Jack, but I just can't. I can't compromise my morals by appreciating someone who holds little boys nuts.
[Image: stfusmile.gif]
Quote:I can't compromise my morals by appreciating someone who holds little boys nuts.

You don't appreciate me?
not after all this jack loving. no.
You don't hold them. You just lick them. Thats ok.

But holding them is just wrong. :disappointed:
I know what hybrid needs, a new status.
I refuse to follow the orders of the person who left us in the clutches of this fascist dictator....He deleted all the threads where he was mean before you came back
I would've appreciated jack if he got me out of work on time last night - but he didn't.
Quote:....He deleted all the threads where he was mean before you came back

That is a serious accusation, are you sure?
I know what Gonzo needs, a swift kick in the ass
Jack is a big poo poo head!
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